Image Transformation using C++ and OOPS.
Project will be using an alternative color space that represents colors by human perception of color. The HSL color space uses the Hue, Saturation, and Luminance of the color.
Using C++ I will transform a image into grayscale, illini orange, create spotlight in centre and add a watermark..
This is the original image:
This code will transform this image into these:
The output folder is in Result folder and the main image transformation code is in ImageTransform.cpp
Type the following commands in the terminal:
1. `make` to build the executable for the code.<br>
2. `./ImageTransform` to run this executable to generate the output.<br>
If you want to run the tests then:
1. `make test` to build the test executable files.<br>
2. `./test ` to run test executable files.<br>