Airflow sandbox
1 - buid the image:
$ docker build -f ci/docker/Dockerfile -t airflow-sandbox .
2 - run the container:
$ docker run -e AIRFLOW__CORE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN='postgresql://airflow:airflow_password@host.docker.internal/airflow' \
-e DB_PORT=5432 \
-e DB_HOST=host.docker.internal -d \
-p 8080:8080 \
--rm --name airflow_container \
3 - launch particular DAG, e.g. my_dag
$ docker exec airflow_container airflow trigger_dag my_dag
Just go to default url in your browser - your_host:8080/admin/metrics
Make sure you have registered your local docker registry - e.g. HERE
Also you need to install and configure minikube
and kubectl
on your machine.
1 - Build a docker image
as it’s describe above and push it to your registry e.g docker push localhost:5000/airflow-sandbox:0.1.0
2 - Make sure you have your cluster ready, e.g. kubectl get all
3 - Create deployment and service for DB (I’m using PostgreSQL):
$ kubectl create -f ci/kube/postgres.yml
4 - Create deployment and service for airflow (Pod is creating from your airflow docker image):
$ kubectl create -f ci/kube/airflow.yml
Now you should see that pods, services, deployments… are successfully running
Please check this Repo for details.
To deploy airflow-operator you need to install go
and kubebuilder
on your machine.
1 - Clone repo:
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git clone
2 - Setup your cluster to understand Application resources:
$ make install
3 - Build manager binary:
$ make manager
4 - Run against the configured Kubernetes cluster in ~/.kube/config
$ make run
5 - Create AirflowBase and AirflowCluster on your cluster
$ kubectl apply -f ci/kube/base.yml
wait before it will be in state running
$ kubectl apply -f ci/kube/cluster.yml
All done. Now you will see that airflow ui, scheduler are running on your kube.