Weather forecast GUI application.
The GUI of the weather app was made with JavaFX 8. The application utilizes the OpenWeatherAPI to retrieve weather data for the requested locations and an SQLite database is used to store relevant user/location information.
Note: GSON and SQLite .jars are already included within the repo, but newer versions may need to be installed as time goes on.
Once all of the above are installed, using Eclipse or IntelliJ, right click on the cloned project repo and select the following in order:
Build Path —> Configure Build Path —> Libraries —> “Add External JARs..”, at this point you’ll need to navigate to wherever your JavaFX 8 folder is and add all the jars. The same applies with Google’s GSON .jar and the SqLite .jar.
Once the build path is configured, we still need to setup the run configuration for the project.
Go to the “WeatherApplication” class underneath the application package. From here right click —> Run As —> Run Configurations.
Click on the “Arguments” tab and in the “VM arguments” section add the following:
—module-path C:\PATH-TO-JAVAFX-LOCATION —add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml