项目作者: cristalnaya

项目描述 :
freeCodeCamp Pomodoro Clock build with React
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/cristalnaya/react-pomodoro-clock.git
创建时间: 2019-06-16T17:58:59Z



React Pomodoro Clock

FCC Pomodoro Clock is a simple timer countdown app, built with React.

pomodoro image

Install and Run the app

  • Clone this repo in your terminal with the command git clone https://github.com/cristalnaya/react-pomodoro-clock.git
  • or just download it to your computer
  • change directory into cd react-pomodoro-clock
  • run npm install in your terminal
  • run npm start and the app will run locally on port: 3000

Note: Node JS and NPM (Node Package Manager) is required to install and run the application.

Structure of the App

  1. ├── package.json
  2. ├── package-lock.json
  3. ├── public
  4. ├── audio
  5. └── beep.wav
  6. ├── favicon.ico
  7. ├── index.html
  8. └── manifest.json
  9. ├── README.md
  10. └── src
  11. ├── App.css
  12. ├── App.js
  13. ├── App.test.js
  14. ├── components
  15. ├── LengthControl.js
  16. ├── StartButton.js
  17. └── Timer.js
  18. ├── index.js
  19. └── serviceWorker.js

Create React App

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. You can find more information on how to perform common tasks here.

Tools Used

FCC User stories, that helped to build the Pomodoro Clock