TypeScript plugin for Unreal Engine 4
TypeScript for Unreal is no longer in active development.
A scripting plugin for Unreal Engine 4 that lets you augment Blueprint with functions written in TypeScript.
Want to try it out? Check out the examples project.
Debugging is supported through the V8 inspector protocol, which means you can debug your TypeScript code like you normally would in any editor that supports it, e.g. Visual Studio Code or WebStorm.
TSU utilizes the existing auto-reimport features in UE4, meaning your code will hot-reload as soon as your file is saved, even while you’re running the game, giving you a near real-time development experience.
The functions you export from TypeScript are immediately available in Blueprint, and look and behave just like regular Blueprint functions.
Type declarations (or “typings”) are generated on-the-fly to make sure everything from Blueprint is available in TypeScript in a type-safe manner.
// Example of a generated typing, found in 'Intermediate/Typings'
import { Actor } from 'UE/Actor';
import { Class } from 'UE/Class';
import { StaticMeshComponent } from 'UE/StaticMeshComponent';
import { UObject } from 'UE/UObject';
declare class BP_Cube extends Actor {
cube: StaticMeshComponent;
static readonly staticClass: Class;
public constructor(outer?: UObject);
export { BP_Cube }
This also applies to any third-party Blueprint API, meaning you could install something like the Socket.IO plugin and start using it from TypeScript right away.
With support for the CommonJS module format you can make use of existing TypeScript/JavaScript packages (assuming they don’t rely on any web or Node.js APIs). One such package would be the popular utility library Lodash.
import * as _ from 'lodash';
export function spam(message: string) {
_.times(100, () => console.log(message));
Battle-tested technologies make up the foundation of TSU, such as the V8 JavaScript engine and the official TypeScript compiler, in order to provide a robust and familiar experience for developers.
Please note that…
If you still want to try it, head over to Releases.
(For a reference to these steps you can look at the examples project)
directory into the Plugins
directory of your project. Create one if it doesn’t exist already.Plugins
under the Edit
category under Project
(at the bottom)Enabled
checkbox for TypeScript for Unreal
First off, exclude the upcoming TypeScript config from the content monitoring, which you can do in Editor Preferences
under Loading & Saving
. Then expand the advanced settings of Auto Reimport
and add Scripts/tsconfig.json
as shown below:
If you later decide to add more files to your project, like package.json
or tslint.json
you’ll want to exclude those as well.
The TypeScript config should be located at Content/Scripts/tsconfig.json
, and look something like this:
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": ".",
"rootDir": ".",
"sourceRoot": ".",
"target": "es2016",
"lib": [ "es2016" ],
"module": "commonjs",
"inlineSourceMap": true,
"noEmitOnError": true,
"noImplicitReturns": true,
"pretty": false,
"skipLibCheck": true,
"strict": true,
"paths": { "UE/*": [ "../../Intermediate/Typings/*" ] },
"typeRoots": [ "../../Intermediate/Typings" ],
"types": [ "TsuGlobals" ]
"include": [ "Source/**/*" ]
You can also add more compiler options to it, like "noUnusedLocals": true
or "noUnusedParameters": true
Now you can start adding your .ts
files to Content/Scripts/Source
TSU supports the Goto Definition
feature of Blueprint, which you’ll find if you right-click on a function call node (or double-click it). By default this is set to open files in Notepad. If you’d like to change this you can go to the TypeScript for Unreal
settings in Editor Preferences
. There you’ll find presets that you can switch between.
If you don’t find a preset that suits you then untick the Use Editor Preset
checkbox and replace the Editor Path
and Editor Arguments
to suit your editor. The Editor Arguments
field will have %f
replaced with the filename, %d
with the workspace directory and %l
and %c
with the line and column number respectively.
Hot-reloading relies on the auto reimport feature in UE4, which you’ll again find in Editor Preferences
under Loading & Saving
Make sure Monitor Content Directories
is enabled, then expand the advanced settings and make sure your settings look something like this:
Prompt Before Action
is the important part here. Disabling it will mean your changes will automatically be imported and compiled when a change to your TypeScript file is detected. Note that this will affect regular content assets as well, such as textures and meshes.
Import Threshold Time
will decide how fast your changes get hot-reloaded. Setting it to something as low as 0.0 s
might have adverse effects for regular content assets, but if you’re only ever reimporting TypeScript files you should be fine.
First off, add Scripts/.vscode/*
to be excluded from the content monitoring.
TSU listens for V8 debuggers on port 19216. So you’ll want a Content/Scripts/.vscode/launch.json
that looks like this:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "TSU",
"type": "node",
"request": "attach",
"protocol": "inspector",
"port": 19216,
"sourceMaps": true,
"sourceMapPathOverrides": {
"*": "${workspaceFolder}/*",
The most important part here, outside of the port number, is sourceMaps
and sourceMapPathOverrides
. Without these you won’t be able to set breakpoints in your TypeScript files.
Now you should be able to attach the debugger as soon as the editor is up and running.
If you want to add a package like Lodash to your project, you need to take the following steps:
First off, make sure you have Node.js installed.
Then add the following files to be excluded from the content monitoring:
Then you’ll want to add a package.json
(if you don’t have one already). In Content/Scripts
npm init -y
Next you’ll want to install Lodash. In Content/Scripts
npm install lodash
npm install -D @types/lodash
Lastly you’ll want to add support for @types
in your tsconfig.json
by adding it to typeRoots
like so:
"typeRoots": [
Now you should be able to use it just like you would in Node.js:
// Either through imports...
import * as _ from 'lodash';
// ... or through regular `require`
const _ = require('lodash');
As you start up the Unreal editor TSU will trawl through all of the public-facing Blueprint APIs and generate typings into the Intermediate/Typings
directory of your project. After following the setup guide you are then able to use these generated types to write TypeScript code where you export functions that you want to make available from Blueprint.
When your TypeScript file gets imported into Unreal, TSU will compile that TypeScript code into JavaScript using the official TypeScript compiler. At the same time it looks at what functions you are exporting and creates a Blueprint function library containing native Blueprint functions that match the ones you exported, doing its best to translate between the two.
The compiled JavaScript code is then loaded into the V8 runtime automatically as needed, and whenever you invoke one of these new Blueprint functions TSU will transparently convert values between Blueprint and V8, to give you a familiar experience on either end.
However, there are some inherent quirks with mapping a scripting language to Blueprint that might be good to know before diving too deep into TSU, please see the wiki for more details.
“Augmenting Blueprint rather than replacing it.”
First off, a big “Thank you!” goes out to Unreal.js and its contributors. The question “How did Unreal.js solve this?” has been uttered more than once during the development of TSU, and having it be available under a liberal open-source license has been a huge boon. It’s part of the reason why TSU is open-source as well.
With that said, there was a need for a scripting plugin that keeps things simple and interacts more natively with Blueprint. Something that allows you to write a Blueprint function in a scripting language and have it show up in Blueprint on-the-fly to be used immediately.
This means that you are not able to create new Blueprint classes with TSU, or write UMG/Slate structures in it. By limiting it to only static functions we minimize the surface area on which problems or disparities can arise, and focus solely on augmenting Blueprint rather than replacing it.
The choice of TypeScript came out of wanting a language that had a sufficient enough type system that most things in Blueprint could be expressed in it, together with an official parser API. On top of having exactly that TypeScript also has world-class integration with editors like Visual Studio Code. And since it boils down to JavaScript in the end there’s also a selection of embeddable, fast and battle-hardened runtimes, like V8 and ChakraCore.
(This only applies if you’re not using the pre-built binaries found in Releases).
is in the Plugins
directory of the above mentioned project.uproject
fileDevelopment Editor
Build Solution
from the Build
menuUnrealBuildTool.exe "C:\Path\To\TsuExamples.uproject" TsuExamplesEditor Win64 Development
(Already bundled, which means this is optional).
cd Source/TsuParser
npm install
npm run package
(Already bundled, which means this is optional).
cd Source/TsuBootstrap
npm install
npm run build
TypeScript for Unreal is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.