项目作者: ashishgopalhattimare

项目描述 :
Parallel, Concurrent, and Distributed Programming in Java | Coursera
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/ashishgopalhattimare/Parallel-Concurrent-and-Distributed-Programming-in-Java.git


Parallel Concurrent and Distributed Programming in Java | Coursera Certification


✔️ - The topics covered during the course

✅ - Self-done assignment

☑ - Instructor assistence required

Parallel Programming in Java

Week 1 : Task Parallelism

✔️ Demonstrate task parallelism using Asynkc/Finish constructs

✔️ Create task-parallel programs using Java’s Fork/Join Framework

✔️ Interpret Computation Graph abstraction for task-parallel programs

✔️ Evaluate the Multiprocessor Scheduling problem using Computation Graphs

✔️ Assess sequetional bottlenecks using Amdahl’s Law

Mini project 1 : Reciproncal-Array-Sum using the Java Fork/Join Framework

Week 2 : Functional Parallelism

✔️ Demonstrate functional parallelism using the Future construct

✔️ Create functional-parallel programs using Java’s Fork/Join Framework

✔️ Apply the princple of memoization to optimize functional parallelism

✔️ Create functional-parallel programs using Java Streams

✔️ Explain the concepts of data races and functional/structural determinism

Mini project 2 : Analysing Student Statistics Using Java Parallel Streams

Week 3 : Loop Parallelism

✔️ Create programs with loop-level parallelism using the Forall and Java Stream constructs

✔️ Evaluate loop-level parallelism in a matrix-multiplication example

✔️ Examine the barrier construct for parallel loops

✔️ Evaluate parallel loops with barriers in an iterative-averaging example

✔️ Apply the concept of iteration grouping/chunking to improve the performance of parallel loops

Mini project 3 : Parallelizing Matrix-Matrix Multiply Using Loop Parallelism

Week 4 : Data flow Synchronization and Pipelining

✔️ Create split-phase barriers using Java’s Phaser construct

✔️ Create point-to-point synchronization patterns using Java’s Phaser construct

✔️ Evaluate parallel loops with point-to-point synchronization in an iterative-averaging example

✔️ Analyze pipeline parallelism using the principles of point-to-point synchronization

✔️ Interpret data flow parallelism using the data-driven-task construct

Mini project 4 : Using Phasers to Optimize Data-Parallel Applications

Concurrent Programming in Java

Week 1 : Threads and Locks

✔️ Understand the role of Java threads in building concurrent programs

✔️ Create concurrent programs using Java threads and the synchronized statement (structured locks)

✔️ Create concurrent programs using Java threads and lock primitives in the java.util.concurrent library (unstructured locks)

✔️ Analyze programs with threads and locks to identify liveness and related concurrency bugs

✔️ Evaluate different approaches to solving the classical Dining Philosophers Problem

Mini project 1 : Locking and Synchronization

Week 2 : Critical Sections and Isolation

✔️ Create concurrent programs with critical sections to coordinate accesses to shared resources

✔️ Create concurrent programs with object-based isolation to coordinate accesses to shared resources with more overlap than critical sections

✔️ Evaluate different approaches to implementing the Concurrent Spanning Tree algorithm

✔️ Create concurrent programs using Java’s atomic variables

✔️ Evaluate the impact of read vs. write operations on concurrent accesses to shared resources

Mini project 2 : Global and Object-Based Isolation

Week 3 : Actors

✔️ Understand the Actor model for building concurrent programs

✔️ Create simple concurrent programs using the Actor model

✔️ Analyze an Actor-based implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes program

✔️ Create Actor-based implementations of the Producer-Consumer pattern

✔️ Create Actor-based implementations of concurrent accesses on a bounded resource

Mini project 3 : Sieve of Eratosthenes Using Actor Parallelism

Week 4 : Concurrent Data Structures

✔️ Understand the principle of optimistic concurrency in concurrent algorithms

✔️ Understand implementation of concurrent queues based on optimistic concurrency

✔️ Understand linearizability as a correctness condition for concurrent data structures

✔️ Create concurrent Java programs that use the java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap library

✔️ Analyze a concurrent algorithm for computing a Minimum Spanning Tree of an undirected graph

Mini project 4 : Parallelization of Boruvka’s Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm

Distributed Programming in Java

Week 1 : Distributed Map Reduce

✔️ Explain the MapReduce paradigm for analyzing data represented as key-value pairs

✔️ Apply the MapReduce paradigm to programs written using the Apache Hadoop framework

✔️ Create Map Reduce programs using the Apache Spark framework

✔️ Acknowledge the TF-IDF statistic used in data mining, and how it can be computed using the MapReduce paradigm

✔️ Create an implementation of the PageRank algorithm using the Apache Spark framework

Mini project 1 : Page Rank with Spark

Week 2 : Client-Server Programming

✔️ Generate distributed client-server applications using sockets

✔️ Demonstrate different approaches to serialization and deserialization of data structures for distributed programming

✔️ Recall the use of remote method invocations as a higher-level primitive for distributed programming (compared to sockets)

✔️ Evaluate the use of multicast sockets as a generalization of sockets

✔️ Employ distributed publish-subscribe applications using the Apache Kafka framework

Mini project 2 : Filer Server

Week 3 : Message Passing

✔️ Create distributed applications using the Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) model

✔️ Create message-passing programs using point-to-point communication primitives in MPI

✔️ Identify message ordering and deadlock properties of MPI programs

✔️ Evaluate the advantages of non-blocking communication relative to standard blocking communication primitives

✔️ Explain collective communication as a generalization of point-to-point communication

Mini project 3 : Matrix Multiply in MPI

Week 4 : Combining Distribution and Multuthreading

✔️ Distinguish processes and threads as basic building blocks of parallel, concurrent, and distributed Java programs

✔️ Create multithreaded servers in Java using threads and processes

✔️ Demonstrate how multithreading can be combined with message-passing programming models like MPI

✔️ Analyze how the actor model can be used for distributed programming

✔️ Assess how the reactive programming model can be used for distrubted programming

Mini project 4 : Multi-Threaded File Server