ProTiler method for the analysis and visualization of CRISPR screens with tiling-sgRNA design
ProTiler is a novel computational method for fine-mapping of protein regions that are
hyper-sensitive to CRISPR/Cas9 mediated gene knockouts(CKHS region) from high-throughput
tiling-sgRNA functional screens.
Also, ProTiler is able to predict CKHS regions for protein encoded by any given gene from
other common protein features including conservation, domain annotation, secondary structures
and PTMs distribution.
If you use ProTiler please cite the following paper we published on Nature Communications:
He et al. De novo identification of essential protein domains from CRISPR-Cas9 tiling-sgRNA
knockout screens. Nat Commun 10, 4547(2019).
1) New version 1.0.2 is now compatible to python3.
2) The package has been uploaded to PyPI. Users now can install directly through:
pip install protiler
ProTiler is written in Python and R, Python>=2.7 and R>=3.5.0 is needed
Python Packages:
- scikit-learn==0.22.1, matplotlib >=2.2.3, pandas >=1.2.0, numpy >=1.17.5, seaborn >=0.9.0
R packages:
- breakfast(v0.1.0), stringr
Install Python Packages with pip:
pip install matplotlib pandas sklearn numpy seaborn
Install R packages in R IDE:
install_version(“breakfast”, version = “0.1.0”, repos = ““)
### Step3: Install ProTiler
#### Note: Since some large files are uploaded using git lfs, make sure git lfs is installed before downloading
git clone
cd ProTiler-1.0.0
python install
Symbol: This column record the symbol of target gene, for example: ‘CREBBP’,’ACTL6A’
AA: The cutting loci of the corresponding sgRNA at amino acid level
CRISPR score: the signals for each sgRNA, in the example file, z-scores in three different cell lines are used. User should select at least one column.
the file path to the input table recording tiling CRISPR sgRNA annotations and signals. .csv,.txt,.xlsx format are supported
the official symbol of target gene, for example: ‘CREBBP’,’ACTL6A’
the column number(s) of input table that recording CRISPR knowckout scores
the directory name created in the current working directory to save output files, default=’ProTilerOutput’
The number of neiboring signals from each side selected to filter inefficient sgRNAs’,default=’5’
Threshold to supress the outliers among the signals’,default=’2’
Threshold to detect changing points using TGUH method’,default=’1.5’
protiler call -i sample.txt -g CREBBP -s 9,10,11 -o ProtilerOutput
A list of candidate genes for which you want to predict HS regions. eg: CREBBP,FAM122A,AURKB
Bandwidth for PTMs kernel density estimation training
Bandwidth for SIFT score kernel density estimation training
the directory name created to save output files
The gamma parameter for SVM model,default=’10’
The penalty parameter for SVM model,default=’0.01’
protiler predict -l CREBBP,FAM122A,SAMRCB1,AURKB -o ProtilerOutput