A web application that assists in entering, storing and viewing crime reports for a police service.
A web application that assists in entering, storing and viewing crime reports for a police service.
When a crime is committed, a victim or witness can only report the crime at the nearest police station, which can be as far as fifty kilometres away in rural areas. At the station, a police officer will record the account of event and demographic data of the person reporting. The report becomes an article of evidence in the case that is investigated by the authorities.
Upon conclusion of the investigation, the report is archived in a traditional file system. In this system the report is stored alongside other reports that were made in the same month, sorted alphabetically.
The current system is unable to handle the volume of reports that are made. The system is very slow and can take nearly an hour to process one report. Reporting can only be done at specific locations (designated police stations). There is also a substantial amount of data loss from physical damage, and duplication of data as well. There is a need for an online crime reporting system for reporters to easily and quickly report a crime from any location. In addition, for police officers to easily manage and archive reports they receive.
A crime reporting system that allows users to report a crime through an online web application. This system should be available for the reporters at any location and at any time. They should be able to do this with a registered account or anonymously.