项目作者: alex-popov-tech
项目描述 :
💻 My settings for macOS, kitty, zsh, nvim, tmux, and more 🛠
高级语言: PHP
项目地址: git://github.com/alex-popov-tech/.dotfiles.git

• Raycast
• Homebrew
• Programming Languages

• JetBrains Mono
• Kanagawa
• Wezterm
• Zsh with Pure p10k
• LazyGit
• Neovim
Welcome to my dotfiles repository! Here you’ll find my personal configurations for macOS, WezTerm, Zsh, Neovim, and more. These settings help streamline my development environment.
- Neovim: A highly configurable text editor with Lua-based settings for enhanced coding efficiency.
- WezTerm: A modern terminal emulator with support for tabs, splits, and a GPU-accelerated rendering.
- Lazygit: A simple terminal UI for git commands, making version control more intuitive.
- tmux: Configurations for terminal multiplexing, improving workflow management.
- Zsh: Custom shell setup with plugins and themes for a powerful command-line experience.
- Homebrew: Brewfile listing essential packages and applications for macOS.
- Other Tools: Configs for tools like htop, finicky, and more.