Web platform for the management of production processes within the industry 4.0
This project was developed as the final assignment of the 300 hours Software Developer course at the Assocam Scuola Camerana of Turin in 2018.
A web platform were an order goes in production as soon as it’s sent, thus eliminating warehouse, stock and unsold products costs.
Only what is already sold is being made.
The assignmet had the following specs:
There has to be a users management system with different permissions:
The technolgies to be used were ASP.NET C# Webforms, Javascript and MSSQL for the database
The project as it is at the 03 June 2018 took about a total of 25-30 hours of work.
To try it out you first have to create a database named Industry4-gruppo1 and populate it with the dbscheme and data script that can be found in the dbfiles folder. And then modify the connection string in the Web.config file.