This script can tell you the sentiments of people regarding to any events happening in the world by analyzing tweets related to that event
This script can tell you the sentiments of people regarding to any events happening in the world by analyzing tweets related to that event. It will search for tweets about any topic and analyze each tweet to see how positive or negative it’s emotion is. You might want to check out this complete text and video based detailed tutorial link
First of all login from your Twitter account and goto Twitter Apps. Create a new app (How to create twitter app) and goto Keys and access tokens and copy Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access Token and Access Token Secret. We will need them later.
Download or Clone the repo, Navigate to the directory containing the files and run
python install
or if you have different versions of python installed then
python3 install
to install the dependencies.
Once you have created an app on twitter and installed all the dependencies by running, open and paste your Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access Token and Access Token Secret. After that save and run the script. You will be prompted to enter the keyword/hashtag you want to analyze and the number of tweets you want to analyze. Once the analysis is completed, a pie chart will be generated disclosing the results of analysis.
Muhammad Ali Zia
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details