项目作者: AshinJiang

项目描述 :
Rebuild ArcGIS Android Samples with Kotlin
高级语言: Kotlin
项目地址: git://github.com/AshinJiang/arcgis-runtime-android-kotlin.git

Overview arcgis-android-sdk-kotlin-samples

ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android v100.0.0 samples. The master branch of this repository contains sample app modules for the latest available version of the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android. Samples released under older versions can be found through the repository releases.


Developer Instructions

The ArcGIS Android SDK Samples are Gradle based Android projects which can be directly cloned and imported into Android Studio.

The latest ArcGIS Android SDK compile dependency is defined for all sample modules in the root project build.gradle. This is the only place where you need to define the dependency to the ArcGIS Android SDK.

  1. subprojects{
  2. afterEvaluate {project ->
  3. if(project.hasProperty("dependencies")){
  4. dependencies {
  5. compile 'com.esri.arcgisruntime:arcgis-android:100.0.0'
  6. compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jre7:$kotlin_version"
  7. }
  8. }
  9. }
  10. }

Our SDK is hosted in our public maven repository hosted by Bintray. Our repository url is added to the projects root build.gradle file.

  1. repositories {
  2. jcenter()
  3. maven {
  4. url 'https://esri.bintray.com/arcgis'
  5. }
  6. }
  1. See the project's build.gradle and app's build.gradle.

Fork the ArcGIS Android SDK gradle samples repo

If you haven’t already, fork the this repo.

Fork the Kotlin Samples repo

fork repo.

Clone the repo

Android Studio

Clone the ArcGIS Android SDK Samples in Android Studio:

  1. Choose VCS > Checkout from Version Control > GitHub on the main menu.
  2. From the Repository drop-down list, select the source repository to clone the data from.
  3. In the Folder text box, specify the directory where the local repository for cloned sources will be set up.
  4. Click the Clone button to start cloning the sources from the specified remote repository.

NOTE: Do not import the project into Android Studio. There is an outstanding issue in Android Studio that requires importing the project in the steps defined below.

Import Gradle Sample project into Android Studio

Once the project is cloned to disk you can import into Android Studio:

  • From the toolbar select File > Import Project, or Import Non-Android Studio project from the Welcome Quick Start.
  • Navigate to the root project folder, arcgis-runtime-samples-android directory and click OK

Run a sample

You should now be able to run any of the included samples. We will use the set-map-initial-location sample as an example.

  • Select set-map-initial-location from the Select Run/Debug Configuration drop down
  • Click the Run button