项目作者: nilsding

项目描述 :
An IRC bot.
高级语言: Ruby
项目地址: git://github.com/nilsding/Botter.git
创建时间: 2014-06-21T18:34:38Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0



Botter is a modular IRC bot made with Ruby. It uses Ruby-IRC to interact with
IRC servers.


  • Google search (e.g. !g apples)
  • DuckDuckGo ZeroClickInfo (e.g. !d cats)
  • Resend a manually corrected message
  • Display YouTube video data when a link is posted to a channel
  • Display the contents of a tweet when a link is posted to a channel
  • Post a new tweet to Twitter
  • Extensible


  • Ruby 2.0
  • Bundler

Any operating system should work, as long as all the dependencies can be built.

How to install

Install all the dependencies:

  1. % bundle install

Afterwards, copy the example configuration to config.yml and edit it to fit
your needs:

  1. % cp config.yml.example config.yml
  2. % vi config.yml

And finally start Botter:

  1. % ./bot.rb

(If that didn’t work, try bundle exec ruby bot.rb)