:zap: A simple & powerful app to organize your piled work at one place~
Organize your piled work at one place.
The way we get things done is often project-oriented. However, the files, applications, tasklists, etc. are scattered everywhere. Pile is a place for you to put them all together.
Before we get started, let me help you get it more clear how to use Pile.
A board (or tab) is a place to hold all the resources of your project or workspace. You can organize your things related to the project/workspace using hubs.
A hub (or card) is an area for specific stuff. There are currently three kinds of hubs:
You can add apps or files you may use in this area so that you can quickly access them and open them.
Online resources (often appeared as links) or your thoughts can be taken down here. Markdown is supported!
A simple todolist related to the project.
Support Windows/Linux/macOS
# install dependencies
yarn # or npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:9080
yarn run dev # or npm run dev
# build electron application for production
yarn run build:dir # or npm run build:dir
Detailed changes for each release are documented in the CHANGELOG.md
Licensed under the GPL v3.0 License.
Copyright (c) 2018 Fing.
All rights reserved.