项目作者: flolu

项目描述 :
A small example monorepo for learning Bazel basics
高级语言: HTML
项目地址: git://github.com/flolu/minimal-bazel-monorepo.git
创建时间: 2019-12-08T16:01:23Z



  1. bazel run dev
  2. bazel test //...
  3. bazel build //services/server:server
  4. bazel run //services/server:server
  5. ibazel run //services/server:dev_server
  6. ibazel run //services/another-server:dev_server
  1. docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
  2. docker system prune --volumes


  • Deploy new image to Kubernetes
  • Run tests before applying changes
  • Deploy for all services
  • Deploy automatically when committing to repository
  • Implement an Angular app
  • Bazel watcher for local development (watch for code changes, etc.)
  • These rules are kinda boiler paltey so you could wrap them up into gen rules. (refers to tests)


  • Build Typescript libraries
  • Link different packages into Typescript library
  • Build Node.Js image
  • Push Docker image to container registry

Pushing Images to GCR

Install gcloud https://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/install-google-cloud-sdk-on-linux/ and authenticate

  1. bazel run //services/server:push_server

Deploying to Kubernetes (not working yet)

  1. bazel run //services/server:k8s_deploy