项目作者: BachoSeven

项目描述 :
rice repo
高级语言: Shell
项目地址: git://github.com/BachoSeven/dotfiles.git
创建时间: 2020-03-31T22:25:32Z



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  6. |: :) \ / \: | (: ( /\ |\( \_|: \(: "| /" \ :)
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These are my dotfiles set up as a bare git repo and managed with dotbare

Current Setup

I run Arch Linux on an Asus UX310UQK laptop with 1TB of SSD and 16GB of RAM; typical memory usage for this setup is from ~1GB up to ~3GB when browsing the web.
Here are some of the programs I use:

  • Suckless utilities (links are to my patched repositories): dmenu, dwm (Window Manager), st (terminal emulator) and xss+slock (screensaver).
  • Minimally configured zsh shell with custom plugins, completions and prompt (old p10k themes here). For syntax highlighting, I use fsh; startup time is around 35 ms.

  • neovim text editor

  • stig to interact with the transmission-daemon client
  • ncmpcpp as a music player (with mpd)
  • cava music visualizer
  • kunst to display album art from mpd.
  • ncspot as a TUI spotify client
  • lf as my file manager
  • neomutt as an email client
  • ungoogled-chromium browser
  • sxiv image viewer
  • zathura pdf & djvu reader
  • bottom system monitor
  • copyq clipboard manager
  • dunst notification manager
  • redshift sets the color temperature
  • newsboat is my RSS reader
  • paru AUR helper
  • last but not least, mimi is an improved xdg-open using bash and dmenu with a very usable config file.

Read more about the programs I use in the AARGH repository (bootstrapping script).


  • I set gruvbox colors in Xresources, zathura, ncspot, dircolors, dunst, neovim, copyq, all suckless config and anywhere else (although I tried to keep a commented solarized alternative where I could for nostalgia). I even set them in the tty.
  • I also use pywal now and then, you will find various attempts at integrating it with other programs across this repo
  • The compositor is picom (picom-git is required for dual-kawase blur at the moment)
  • Emoji font is noto-fonts-emoji
  • The GTK theme is gruvbox-material-gtk
  • My main fonts are mononoki and Hack Nerd, although I sometimes use scientifica and cozette.


  • I like using vim bindings whenever possible.
  • For browsing I mainly use ungoogled-chromium, find my setup in here. To improve its aesthetics, I use the Gtk theme and duckduckgo with gruvboxytheme pass phrase. I also like using Vieb, which is an Electron vim-based browser.
  • I use a custom startpage, check it out here!
  • This is a repository with my system-wide configuration files, specifically stuff from /etc and /root.
  • Here are some of the wallpapers I use.
  • Pacgraph output:



Down the rabbit hole





Pink :3





here be lamas

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