.NET Blockchain C# Developers Center of Excellence
.NET Blockchain C# Developers Center of Excellence
The neo-csharpcoe
project is an “umbrella” project for several initiatives related to providing tools and libraries (code), frameworks, how-to documentation, and best practices for enterprise application development using .NET/C#, C#.NEO and the NEO Blockchain software platform.
The neo-csharpcoe
is an independent, free, open source project that is 100% community-supported by people like yourself through your contributions of time, energy, passion, promotion, and donations.
To learn more about contributing to the neo-csharpcoe
project, click here.
A center of excellence (CoE) is a team, a shared facility or an entity that provides leadership, best practices, research, support and/or training for a focus area. … A center of excellence may also be aimed at revitalizing stalled initiatives. [Wikipedia]
“Top 10” List of Resources for C#.NEO DevelopersKxDgvEKzgSBPPfuVfw67oPQBSjidEiqTHURKSDL1R7yGaGYAeYnr
Parameter/Return Type | Description |
:--------|:---------------------- |
Hash160 (160-bit hash value)|03|
Hash256 (256-bit hash value)|04|
ByteArray, Object|05|
Table 9.1: NEO Smart Contract Parameter/Return Types [[NEOPARMTYPES](http://docs.neo.org/en-us/sc/tutorial/Parameter.html)]
CityOfZion@github.com - neo-debugger-tools
contributions: Source-level execution cost profiler; Smartformatting of Event Log messagesCityOfZion@github.com - neo-gui-developer
contributions: Smartformatting of Event Log messagesdeanpress@github.com - neosense
@gubanotorious"">Alex Guba@medium.com - @gubanotorious/test-networks-and-fund-requests-for-smart-contract-and-dapp-testing-on-the-neo-blockchain-583a1795412">Test Networks and Fund Requests for Smart Contract and dApp Testing on the NEO Blockchain
@gubanotorious"">Alex Guba@medium.com - @gubanotorious/creating-a-neo-blockchain-hosted-private-network-on-microsoft-azure-in-under-30-minutes-4d38c6bf6f3c">Creating a NEO Blockchain Hosted Private Network on Microsoft Azure in Under 30 Minutes
@gubanotorious"">Alex Guba@medium.com - @gubanotorious/creating-and-running-a-neo-node-on-microsoft-azure-in-under-30-minutes-ad8d79b9edf">Creating and running a NEO Node on Microsoft Azure in under 30 minutes
Michael Herman (Toronto) (photo)
Independent Blockchain Developer
Michael Herman is an independent blockchain developer, trainer, and writer who contributes to several NEO Blockchain projects including:
Michael has helped bootstrap several NEO Blockchain Meetups worldwide including NEO Blockchain Toronto, NEO Blockchain Vancouver, and NEO Blockchain Turkey.