Projects from Coursera the course - "HTML, CSS and JavaScript by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology by David Rossiter"
This repository contains the projects of Course 1 of Coursera Specialization course - “Full Stack Web Development by
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology”.
The course 1 of this specialization deals with HTML,CSS and Javascript and is taught by David Rossiter. It is a three week course and there is assessment projects at the end of each week.
Link to descriptional video :
It comprises of three parts:
part1.html: part1.html contains the Web page content without style. The result of this stage is a web page which contains a form.The form contains various form elements like text input, submit button, checkboxes, radio options that can be selected and in which the data can be entered. It shows the basic layout of the given web page.
part2.html: part2.html is the extended version of part1.html which adds proper styling to the page to make it more beautiful and attractive.
3.part3.html: part3.html is a modified code of part2.html which contains some additional interactive features.
Two interactive features are added.