项目作者: jameshamann

项目描述 :
A Jekyll Theme based on Material Design using Materialize.
高级语言: HTML
项目地址: git://github.com/jameshamann/jekyll-material-theme.git
创建时间: 2017-11-27T21:19:23Z

开源协议:MIT License


Jekyll Material Theme

A Jekyll Theme based on Material Design using Materialize.

Gem Version


If you use cookies on your site, or choose to use Google Analytics, you’re able to notify visitors with this prompt. The Thanks! dialog message can be customised in your _config.yml file.

Tools and Experience Section

If you’d like to display some of your skills and experience, you can do so through using the section below.

Live Demo


Add this line to your Jekyll site’s Gemfile:

  1. gem "jekyll-material-theme"

And add this line to your Jekyll site’s _config.yml:

  1. theme: jekyll-material-theme

And then execute:

  1. $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

  1. $ gem install jekyll-material-theme


The _config.yml file has the following options.

Please ensure to copy this sample before serving up your site as some variables are required in order to make the site run correctly.

  1. title: Your awesome title
  2. name: Your Name
  3. email: your-email@example.com
  4. description: Write an awesome description for your new site here. You can edit this line in _config.yml. It will appear in your document head meta (for Google search results) and in your feed.xml site description.
  5. display_footer: inital #change this to 'none' if you want to hide the footer copyright text
  6. theme: jekyll-material-theme
  7. parallax_image_one: assets/images/startup3.jpg # These are the images used for the parallax background
  8. parallax_image_two: assets/images/startup3.jpg
  9. # Settings for the porfolio section
  10. portfolio_heading: Portfolio
  11. portfolio_type: cards #cards or carousel
  12. project_one: "First Project"
  13. project_one_description: Describe your project!
  14. project_one_url: https://github.com/jameshamann/jekyll-material-theme
  15. project_one_icon: location_on # these are from materiailize css, the full collection is here: http://materializecss.com/icons.html
  16. project_two: Second Project
  17. project_two_description: Describe your project!
  18. project_two_url: https://github.com/jameshamann/jekyll-material-theme
  19. project_two_icon: photo_camera
  20. project_three: Third Project
  21. project_three_description: Describe your project!
  22. project_three_url: https://github.com/jameshamann/jekyll-material-theme
  23. project_three_icon: hotel
  24. project_four: Fourth Project
  25. project_four_description: Describe your project!
  26. project_four_url: https://github.com/jameshamann/jekyll-material-theme
  27. project_four_icon: restaurant
  28. # Skill icons from https://konpa.github.io/devicon/
  29. skills:
  30. - name: amazonwebservices
  31. - name: android
  32. - name: angularjs
  33. - name: apache
  34. - name: appcelerator
  35. - name: apple
  36. - name: atom
  37. - name: babel
  38. - name: backbonejs
  39. - name: bitbucket
  40. - name: bootstrap
  41. - name: bower
  42. - name: c
  43. - name: chrome
  44. - name: codeigniter
  45. - name: coffescript
  46. - name: confluence
  47. - name: cplusplus
  48. - name: csharp
  49. - name: css3
  50. - name: cucumber
  51. - name: d3js
  52. - name: debian
  53. - name: devicon
  54. - name: django
  55. - name: docker
  56. - name: doctrine
  57. - name: dot-net
  58. - name: drupal
  59. - name: erlang
  60. - name: facebook
  61. - name: firefox
  62. - name: foundation
  63. - name: gatling
  64. - name: gimp
  65. - name: git
  66. - name: github
  67. - name: gitlab
  68. - name: go
  69. - name: google
  70. - name: gradle
  71. - name: grunt
  72. - name: gulp
  73. - name: heroku
  74. - name: html5
  75. - name: ie10
  76. - name: illustrator
  77. - name: inkscape
  78. - name: itellij
  79. - name: java
  80. - name: jasmine
  81. - name: javascript
  82. - name: laravel
  83. - name: less
  84. - name: linux
  85. - name: meteor
  86. - name: mocha
  87. - name: mongodb
  88. - name: moodle
  89. - name: mysql
  90. - name: nginx
  91. - name: nodejs
  92. - name: nodewebkit
  93. - name: oracle
  94. - name: photoshop
  95. - name: php
  96. - name: phpstorm
  97. - name: protractor
  98. - name: postgresql
  99. - name: python
  100. - name: pycharm
  101. - name: rails
  102. - name: react
  103. - name: redhat
  104. - name: redis
  105. - name: ruby
  106. - name: rubymine
  107. - name: safari
  108. - name: sass
  109. - name: sequelize
  110. - name: slack
  111. - name: sourcetree
  112. - name: ssh
  113. - name: swift
  114. - name: symfony
  115. - name: tomcat
  116. - name: travis
  117. - name: trello
  118. - name: twitter
  119. - name: typescript
  120. - name: ubuntu
  121. - name: vim
  122. - name: visualstudio
  123. - name: vuejs
  124. - name: webpack
  125. - name: webstorm
  126. - name: windows8
  127. - name: wordpress
  128. - name: yii
  129. - name: zend
  130. - name: ansible
  131. uri: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/fr/thumb/4/4b/Ansible_logo.png/220px-Ansible_logo.png # Add external icon, for internal icon use uri: /assets/my_icon.jpg
  132. icon_size: 50 # font-size of icons in px
  133. colored: colored # Leave blank for black and white icons
  134. project_button: Github
  135. github: https://github.com/jameshamann/jekyll-material-theme
  136. medium: https://medium.com
  137. baseurl: # If your site is located at /blog or /home, change it here, otherwise leave it empty
  138. url: http://localhost:4000/ # The URL of your site
  139. # Google tracking, if both are filled, tag manager will prevail. Set up GA through GTM in that case
  140. tag_manager_id: # This looks something like GTM-XXXXXXX
  141. google_analytics_tracking_id: # This looks something like UA-000000000-0 Head over to https://analytics.google.com/ to setup.
  142. cookie_accept_message: Thanks! # The pop-up dialog that appears after accepting the cookie notice.
  143. syntax_highlighting: true # include the css for syntax highlighting
  144. # Build settings
  145. markdown: kramdown
  146. permalink: pretty
  147. plugins:
  148. - jekyll-feed
  149. - jekyll-assets
  150. - jekyll-minifier


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/jameshamann/jekyll-material-theme. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


To set up your environment to develop and further customise this theme, fork the repo and explore the _assets directory, which includes all the css, js and font folders. If you’re adding a feature, please add some tests in the spec directory to ensure everything works as intended.



The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.