项目作者: Arkaraj

项目描述 :
An E-commerce website which sells Groceries directly from the farmers fresh and organic, This is made from php and for Database phpmyadmin(MariaDB/MySQL) is used. For front-end part Html CSS(bootstrap and font-awesome) Js(Jquery and ajax) is used. The template used for the front end is: Asbab template. For otp sending to users through mobile textlocal is used and for mail smpt api was used, Payment demo through payu. To run this Project one will need a DB server(MySQL preferable), a localhost setup(XAMPP in Windows).
高级语言: PHP
项目地址: git://github.com/Arkaraj/AgroTech.git
创建时间: 2020-10-26T12:26:26Z

开源协议:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License



An E-commerce website which sells Groceries directly from the farmers fresh and organic, This is made from php and for Database phpmyadmin(MariaDB/MySQL) is used. For front-end part Html CSS(bootstrap and font-awesome) Js(Jquery and ajax) is used. The template used for the front end is: Asbab template. For otp sending to users through mobile textlocal is used and for mail smpt api was used, Payment demo through payu. To run this Project one will need a DB server(MySQL preferable), a localhost setup(XAMPP in Windows).
To see the website goto: https://agro-tech.herokuapp.com/

Client/User side:

Screenshot 2020-12-24 at 2 39 02 PM

Admin/Farmer side:

Screenshot 2020-12-24 at 2 39 43 PM


Wrokbox and to generate icons:

  1. $ npx pwa-asset-generator ./images/icn.png icons