项目作者: boniverski

项目描述 :
Projects within "HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers" course by Coursera and Johns Hopkins University
高级语言: HTML
项目地址: git://github.com/boniverski/coursera-test.git
创建时间: 2016-10-05T14:46:26Z



Projects within “HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers” course by Coursera and Johns Hopkins University (GitHub page)

1. Module 2 Coding Assignment Solution (Week 2)

The front page is responsive page with three section (no inline CSS, JS, or Twitter Bootstrap is allowed). On dekstop screens, all sections must fit in one row within browser viewport; on tablet screens, first two sections fits in one row and the third section takes entire row below; on mobile screens, each section takes entire row. Here’s a DEMO version.

2. Module 3 Coding Assignment Solution (Week 3)

The front page is similar to Module 2 solution, except now includes navigation bar and it is allowed to use Twitter Bootstrap. Navigation’s menu button appears only when viewport is less then 768px, and contains three links: Chicken, Beef and Sushi. Here’s a DEMO version.

3. Module 4 Coding Assignment Solution (Week 4)

Soluiton for Javascript lecture: looping over an array of names and printing out either a “hello” or “goodbye” to that name to the browser console. If the name starts with a letter j or J, console prints out Goodbye JSomeName. If the name starts with any other letter, console prints out Hello SomeName. Here’s a DEMO version.

4. Module 5 Coding Assignment Solution (Week 5)

The front page of this web app contains 3 clickable tiles: Menu, Specials, and Map. Clicking Specials tile user will be taken to a single category page where all the menu items that belong to the Specials menu category will be shown. The web app takes the user to a random single category menu page, listing menu items in the category, be it “Lunch”, “Dinner”, “Sushi”, etc. Here’s a DEMO version.