项目作者: ddigeronimo

项目描述 :
A minimal, less-inspired paging application written in Rust
高级语言: Rust
项目地址: git://github.com/ddigeronimo/least.git
创建时间: 2020-11-20T02:34:07Z

开源协议:MIT License



  1. ::: :::::::::: ::: :::::::::::::::::::
  2. :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+:
  3. +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+
  4. +#+ +#++:++# +#++:++#++:+#++:++#++ +#+
  5. +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+
  6. #+# #+# #+# #+##+# #+# #+#
  7. ####################### ### ######## ###
  8. © 2020 Dylan DiGeronimo

MIT License

Least is a minimal, less-inspired paging application written in Rust, using pancurses.

Its intention is not to outperform less, either in terms of speed or features, although that would be a nice eventual goal. Instead, I’m creating it as a means of getting to learn an interesting technology that I don’t get to use in my everyday work. As such, there’ll probably be a good amount of code that’s amateur-ish, but I’m going to try my best to follow Rust conventions as I learn them.

The functionality is also not intended to be a total clone of less, with the controls being geared toward my personal preferences. I’m also making a point of not looking at the less source code while I build this. Least isn’t a direct translation of less from C to Rust - it’s a reinterpretation that happens to be written in a different language.

least is licensed under the MIT license, so feel free to download it, fork it, modify it, use it, love it, hate it, etc. You do you.



  • git
  • A working Rust installation, including cargo
  • An ncurses library for your OS

Clone source from GitHub

  1. $ git clone https://github.com/ddigeronimo/least.git

Build with cargo for personal use

  1. $ cargo build --release

For a development build, use

  1. $ cargo build


After building, the executable will be located at {installLocation}least/target/release/least. Open a text file with $ least {filename}. Make sure to set least as executable, set its permissions as needed, and add it to your path (consider copying it to a ~/bin directory).

Implemented Features

  • Controls:
    • q - Quit
    • h - Open help page
    • j, Down - Down one line
    • k, Up - Up one line
    • d, PgDn - Down half a screen
    • u, PgUp - Up half a screen
    • g - Jump to top of file
    • o - Open a new file (expands tildes and environment variables with shellexpand and supports symlinks)
    • / - Search
    • ? - Reverse search
    • n - Jump to next search result
    • N - Jump to previous search result
  • Command line flags:
    • -h, —help - Prints help page to command line
  • Basic file loading
    • Error handling now added
    • Now the in-program file opening functionality allows filenames of practically indefinite length (in practice this is limited by the size of the i32 used to track input string length)
  • Search highlighting

Potential Future Features

None of these are guarantees, but you might see them in the future

  • Search UX improvements:
    • “No results found” message
    • Prefix search term with “/“
    • Clear previous search input
  • Jump to specific line
  • Optimized file loading (if needed for performance reasons)
    • V1: Load lines as needed
    • V2: Add buffer functionality
  • Number prefixing for movement commands
  • Automatic release building via Github Actions
  • Improved project structure

Known Bugs

All clear for now!