项目作者: glued

项目描述 :
CSS property and HTML tag metadata library
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/glued/web-meta.git
创建时间: 2019-01-23T06:48:57Z



Web Meta


Data based on atom/autocomplete-css, ChromeDevTools/devtools-frontend and adobe/brackets


  1. npm i web-meta


CSS Properties list

  1. import { cssProperties } from 'web-meta';
  2. /*
  3. ...
  4. "animation-name",
  5. "animation-play-state",
  6. "animation-timing-function",
  7. "animation",
  8. "backface-visibility",
  9. "background-attachment",
  10. "background-blend-mode",
  11. "background-clip",
  12. "background-color",
  13. ...
  14. */

CSS Properties Map

Lookup table for css property values

  1. import { cssPropertyMap } from 'web-meta';
  2. /*
  3. ...
  4. "align-content": ["center", "flex-end", "flex-start","space-around", "space-between", "stretch"],
  5. "align-items": ["baseline", "center", "flex-end", "flex-start", "stretch"],
  6. "align-self": ["auto", "baseline", "center", "flex-end", "flex-start", "stretch"],
  7. ...
  8. */

CSS Color properties list

List of css properties (keys) related to color

  1. import { cssColorProps } from 'web-meta';
  2. // e.g "background-color"

CSS Distance properties list

List of css properties (keys) related to distance

  1. import { cssDistanceProps } from 'web-meta';

CSS Pseudo selectors list

List of css pseudo selectors(keys)

  1. import { cssPseudoSelectors } from 'web-meta';
  2. // e.g "::after"

HTML Tags list

  1. import { htmlTags } from 'web-meta';
  2. /*
  3. ...
  4. "blockquote",
  5. "body",
  6. "br",
  7. "button",
  8. "canvas",
  9. "code",
  10. "div",
  11. "em",
  12. "form",
  13. "footer",
  14. "h1",
  15. "h2",
  16. ...
  17. */

HTML Tag Attributes map

Lookup table for available attributes on html tags.

  1. import { htmlTagAttributesMap } from 'web-meta';
  2. /*
  3. ...
  4. "br": [],
  5. "button": [
  6. "autofocus",
  7. "disabled",
  8. "form",
  9. "formaction",
  10. "formenctype",
  11. "formmethod",
  12. "formnovalidate",
  13. "formtarget",
  14. "name",
  15. "type",
  16. "value"
  17. ],
  18. "canvas": ["height", "width"],
  19. ...
  20. */

HTML Attributes map

Lookup table for values on html attributes

  1. import { htmlAttributeMap } from 'web-meta';
  2. /*
  3. ...
  4. "preload": ["auto", "metadata", "none"],
  5. "input/type": [
  6. "button",
  7. "checkbox",
  8. "color",
  9. "date",
  10. "datetime",
  11. "datetime-local",
  12. "email",
  13. "file",
  14. "hidden",
  15. "image",
  16. "month",
  17. "number",
  18. "password",
  19. "radio",
  20. ...
  21. */