CSS property and HTML tag metadata library
Data based on atom/autocomplete-css, ChromeDevTools/devtools-frontend and adobe/brackets
npm i web-meta
import { cssProperties } from 'web-meta';
Lookup table for css property values
import { cssPropertyMap } from 'web-meta';
"align-content": ["center", "flex-end", "flex-start","space-around", "space-between", "stretch"],
"align-items": ["baseline", "center", "flex-end", "flex-start", "stretch"],
"align-self": ["auto", "baseline", "center", "flex-end", "flex-start", "stretch"],
List of css properties (keys) related to color
import { cssColorProps } from 'web-meta';
// e.g "background-color"
List of css properties (keys) related to distance
import { cssDistanceProps } from 'web-meta';
List of css pseudo selectors(keys)
import { cssPseudoSelectors } from 'web-meta';
// e.g "::after"
import { htmlTags } from 'web-meta';
Lookup table for available attributes on html tags.
import { htmlTagAttributesMap } from 'web-meta';
"br": [],
"button": [
"canvas": ["height", "width"],
Lookup table for values on html attributes
import { htmlAttributeMap } from 'web-meta';
"preload": ["auto", "metadata", "none"],
"input/type": [