Evolve Thinking's free Cfengine promise library.
Copyright Neil H. Watson ( http://watson-wilson.ca ).
For fresh updates visit:
A Branch for each version. Master is the latest bleeding edge.
Evolve_freelib.cf is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses.
The bundles contained in this CFEngine library primarily focus on data driven
policy. Each such bundle takes a csv or JSON type delimited parameter file as
shown in the common bundle efl_c.
Bundle | Purpose |
efl_skeleton | A template for creating new bundles. |
efl_c | A collection of common tunable variables. |
efl_main | A bundle for calling other bundles, in order, using methods. |
efl_chkconfig_disable_service | Disable a service from starting at boot. |
efl_chkconfig_enable_service | Enable a service to start at boot. |
efl_class_classmatch | Creates namespace classes by matching existing class names. |
efl_class_cmd_regcmp | Creates namespace classes on the output of a shell command. |
efl_class_expression | Creates namespace classes from a class expression. |
efl_class_hostname | Creates namespace classs based on the hostname of the host. |
efl_class_iprange | Creates namespace classes based on the IP address of the host. |
efl_class_returnszero | Creates namespace classes using the return status of a shell command. |
efl_command | Configurable commands promises. |
efl_copy_files | Configurable file copy promises. |
efl_delete_files | Promises to delete files. |
efl_edit_template | Promise a file’s contents using a template. |
efl_file_perms | Configurable file permissions promises. |
efl_global_slists | Set namespace scoped slists variables. |
efl_global_strings | Set namespace scoped strings variables. |
efl_lastseen | Report hosts seen in the last 24 hours. |
efl_link | Promise links. |
efl_mon_cfengine | Report CFEngine internal statistics. |
efl_notseen | Report hosts not seen in the last 24 hours. |
efl_packages | Promises to add, remove, or update packages. |
efl_rcs_pull | Promises to keep a checked out copy of version control current. |
efl_server | Promise server access rules. |
efl_service | Promises to configure and start a service. |
efl_start_service | Promises to start a service that is not running. |
efl_sysctl_conf_file | Promises sysctl.conf kernel settings. |
efl_sysctl_live | Promises live sysctl Linux kernel settings. |
The file efl_update.cf is an alternate high performance, yet simplified,
collection of bundles to keep CFEngine’s inputs directory up to date. See the
in docs for more information.
If you are interested in reporting on the outcome of EFL promises please look at Delta Reporting: