buy coins based on @officialmcafee tweets
When @officialmcafee posts his coin of the day, buy it ASAP.
That is left as an exercise for you.
Before you even try to install this, you need to have the following things installed:
brew install tesseract --with-all-languages
# Linux (Ubuntu)
apt-get install libtesseract-dev tesseract-ocr
I don’t know what to tell you Windows people. Perhaps consider running Ubuntu under VirtualBox.
git clone
cd mcafee-bot
You have to go to both twitter and bittrex to get your own API keys.
Once acquired, I recommend putting them in secrets.env
source secrets.env # You have to get your own API keys from twitter and bittrex!
This will drop you into a node.js repl with an instantiated bot you can command interactively.
// The bot.
// How much BTC are you willing to spend per purchase?
bot.btcSpend = 0.25
// To get ahead of the pump,
// what multiplier do you want to add to the current price when putting in the buy order?
// bid == price + (price * bot.adjustment)
bot.adjustment = 0.20
// If you want to see it read tweets:
bot.verbose = true
// If you want it to shut up (which is the default):
bot.verbose = false
// Make the bot connect to twitter and monitor tweets. VERY IMPORTANT!
It is now waiting for @officialmcafee to tweet his coin of the day.