项目作者: mage1k99

项目描述 :
A python script to convert JSON files into Excel, CSV and combine multiple CSV to Single Excel
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/mage1k99/json-excel.git
创建时间: 2019-12-10T08:08:38Z

开源协议:MIT License


:sparkles: json-excel :sparkles:

Simple python scripts to convert :

  • JSON to Excel :white_check_mark:
  • JSON to CSV :white_check_mark:
  • Multiple CSV to single Excel :white_check_mark:

How to Use :question:

Convert on the Go

  1. Clone the modules and navigate

  2. Run python3 main.py

    1. select the requied option
    2. enter the file name as absolute path if it exist on other directories
      (for windows users)
      for eg:
      if the file is loacated at C:\Documents\collection.json
      And You want the generated output file at C:\Documents\exported\output.xlsx
      1. C:\Users\Mage1k99\json-excel>python3 main.py
      2. 1. JSON to Excel
      3. 2. JSON to CSV
      4. 3. Multiple CSV files to Excel
      5. your option (from 1 to 3) : 1
      6. Path of JSON file : C:\Users\Documents\collection.json
      7. Sheetname (optional) : mysheet
      8. Path of Output Excel :C:\Users\Documents\output.xlsx
      (for linux and mac users)
      if the input file is located at ~/json/inputcollection.json
      And the output file (xlsx) to be generated at ~/excel/outputexcel.xlsx
      1. mage:~/json-excel$ python3 main.py
      2. 1. JSON to Excel
      3. 2. JSON to CSV
      4. 3. Multiple CSV files to Excel
      5. your option (from 1 to 3) : 1
      6. Path of JSON file : ~/json/outputexcel.xlsx
      7. Sheetname (optional) : mysheet
      8. Path of Output Excel : ~/excel/outputexcel.xlsx

      :exclamation: check to be done before conversion :exclamation:

      • use python3, (as python2.7 will reach its end of life
      • Always add extension to the filepaths while using
      • before entering output path make sure that the directory exist!
      • Give the correct file and path name

using as seprate modules

Just use the conversion module in your own projects by importing


screenshot of running main.py with files in absolute path

screenshot of running main.py

screenshot of genrated output from main.py


  • pandas
  • openpyxl
  • setuptools

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Based on python library pandas

Contributions are welcomed :smile:

Feel free to

  • Fork, modify to add feature and make pull request :clap:
  • report bugs, request feature through issues :clap:

    " class="reference-link">Thank you for using and spending your time with this project :sparkling_heart: