项目作者: simbas

项目描述 :
Simple juice shop and ctfd setup
高级语言: CSS
项目地址: git://github.com/simbas/simple-juice-ctfd-setup.git
创建时间: 2018-02-05T17:04:36Z



Simple juice shop ctfd setup

Easily setup a Juice Shop CTF event with your coworkers.


  • no runtime env (except docker) required
  • ctfd automatically configured for Juice Shop CTF

How to use


  1. docker-compose up
  2. docker-compose rm -s -f

Paramaters (port, credentials, etc. check the docker-compose.yml file) are passed as environment variables:

  1. SJCS_PORT=8080 SJCS_PASSWORD=secretpassword docker-compose up
Name Default value Description
SJCS_PORT 80 The port to use
SJCS_PATH ./data The path on the filesystem where the database will be store
SJCS_USER admin The username of the CTFd admin
SJCS_TEAMS red,blue The teams to create (separated by ,)
SJCS_PASSWORD admin123 The password of the CTFd admin
SJCS_TITLE JuiceCTF The CTF name for CTFd
SJCS_CHALS_FOLDER ./bootstrapper/challenges The path to the folder of custom zipped challenges backup
SJCS_DOMAIN mycompany.net The domain used for email generation
SJCS_SLIDES_FILE index.md The mardown file that will be used as slides
SJCS_SLIDES_FOLDER ./web/slides The path to the folder of markdown slides
SJCS_SLIDES_THEME blood The reveal theme for the slides
SJCS_SLIDES_HL_THEME darcula The highlight reveal theme for the slides

Install docker and pull the juice-shop image on kali linux:

  1. curl -fsSL http://<the server ip>/install/docker.sh | sh


  1. docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dev.yml up --force-recreate --remove-orphans --build