saarCTF infrastructure | Attack-defense CTF server setup scripts
See also: Hetzner Cloud Playbook.
This repository contains setup scripts for all servers required to host an attack-defense CTF with the saarCTF framework.
It consists of three server types:
First, you need a git configuration repository and a local config.json
configuration for the build process.
Second, you need a packer configuration to create images.
See Configuration for details on both.
To prepare server images (for libvirt):
From the root directory of this repo, run:
packer init basis
packer build -var-file global-variables.pkrvars.hcl basis
packer build -var-file global-variables.pkrvars.hcl controller
packer build -var-file global-variables.pkrvars.hcl vpn
packer build -var-file global-variables.pkrvars.hcl checker
To create and launch the VMs (in libvirt), see libvirt-test-setup/
By default, these IPs are used:
Interesting commands: update-server
(pull updates and rebuild things).
Checker scripts belong on this machine (/home/saarctf/checkers
, owned by user saarctf
CTF Timer needs manual start (on exactly one machine), new hosts must be manually added to Prometheus for monitoring (/root/ <ip>
A bunch of interesting scripts are in /root
, check them out.
This image can be reconfigured to fill in almost any particular role, using the scripts in /root
to disable some components. We think of backup servers (databases to slaves replicating original databases), dedicated management / monitoring server (db to slave, disable monitoring on original host) or dedicated scoreboard / submitter server (db off, monitoring off, systemctl start scoreboard
Postgresql (:5432), Redis (:6379), RabbitMQ.
Flask app running under uwsgi / user saarctf. Nginx frontend.
systemctl restart uwsgi
Tornado app (systemd), Nginx frontend.
systemctl restart flower
Coder running in docker container as user saarctf.
docker restart coder-server
docker logs coder-server
Static folder with files, served by nginx.
systemctl restart nginx
and /var/log/nginx/error.log
The scoreboard is automatically created if the CTF timer is running on this machine. If not use the scoreboard daemon instead (systemctl start scoreboard
, but not in parallel with the CTF timer).
Needs manual start
Triggers time-based events (new round, scoreboard rebuild, start/stop of CTF). Exactly one instance on one server must run at any time.
systemctl start ctftimer
systemctl restart ctftimer
(interesting messages usually shown in controlpanel dashboard)C++ application that receives flags from teams.
nc <ip> 31337
systemctl restart submission-server
Monitors itself, grafana and localhost by default, other servers should be manually added using /root/ <ip>
. Results can be seen in Grafana.
systemctl restart prometheus
journalctl -u prometheus
Configured to display stats from database and prometheus.
systemctl restart grafana
tcpdump needs manual start / stop
Runs many OpenVPN instances and network management.
OpenVPN configuration files should be (re)built at least once on this machine.
Three servers per team, managed by systemd. Service name is:
(tunX) for the single, self-hosted VPN (whole /24 in one connection)vpn2@teamXYZ-cloud
(tun100X) for the cloud-hosted team members endpoint (upper /25, multiple connections possible)vpn@teamXYZ-vulnbox
(tun200X) for the single, cloud-hosted vulnbox connection (/30 for cloud box, config not given to players)Activation rules:
is always active (players can’t mess too much with it, except by booting a vulnbox)vpn@teamX-vulnbox
is connected, team-hosted vpn vpn@teamX
is down (avoiding conflicts with team members using the old config)vpn@teamX
is connected, cloud-hosted player vpn vpn2@teamX-cloud
is down (avoid both configs being used at the same time)<ip>:10000+X / <ip>:12000+X / <ip>:1400+X (udp)
/ tun100X
/ tun200X
systemctl start vpn@teamX
/ systemctl start vpn
systemctl restart vpn@teamX
/ systemctl restart vpn vpn@\*
systemctl stop vpn@teamX
/ systemctl stop vpn vpn@\*
and /var/log/openvpn/openvpn-status-teamX.log
Writes traffic summary to database.
systemctl restart trafficstats
Based on IPTables.
Edit /opt/gameserver/vpn/
if you need to change something permanently.
On restart, INPUT
chains are replaced.
Inserts rules for NAT and TCP Timestamp removal.
systemctl restart firewall
Inserts rules into IPTables that open/close VPN or ban single teams.
systemctl restart manage-iptables
Needs manual start
Captures traffic: game traffic (between gameservers and teams) and team traffic (between teams).
systemctl start tcpdump-game tcpdump-team
systemctl restart tcpdump-game tcpdump-team
Website that displays connection status of VPN connections and tests connectivity using ping.
Website is finally served by an nginx.
Includes a background worker (service vpnboard-celery
systemctl restart vpnboard
Runs only a Celery Worker.
No checker scripts need to be placed on this machine.
Needs manual start
because each celery worker needs an unique name.
After creation run celery-configure <SERVER-NUMBER>
From now on, the celery worker will start on boot.
systemctl restart celery
Manual worker invocation:
screen -R celery
celery-run <unique-hostname> <number-of-processes>