Stream Object Notation Converter to JSON, YAML, XML, JavaProps, CSV
Stream Object Notation to:
It is a simple application with:
cd ~
git clone
cd son2
git submodule update --init --recursive
sbt clean scalafmt::test test:scalafmt::test it:scalafmt::test jacoco it:jacoco coverage test it:test assembly coverageReport && sbt coverageAggregate && sbt stats scalastyle
sbt clean compile assembly
Add line to file ~/.bashrc
alias son2="java -jar ~/son2/son2-clis/son2-main/target/scala-2.12/son2-main-assembly-2.8.11-SNAPSHOT.jar"
alias son2o="son2 o"
alias son2y="son2 y"
alias son2x="son2 x"
alias son2p="son2 p"