A multi-paradigm programming language running on JVM
CI | status |
Travis CI | |
AppVeyor | |
CircleCI | |
CodeShip |
This is the interpreter of Lice language, a dialect of Lisp, run on JVM platform.
It supports call-by-value, call-by-name, call-by-need(we sometimes call it lazy evaluation) at the same time.
Functions and values are treated as the same. Dynamic scoping, because I can’t find a better scoping solution
for a interpreted language.
See FeatureTest to learn more about the language’s features.
Also, as the main repo for the Lice language, this repo will not be updated very frequently.
Instead, I do language feature experiments in The tiny version of Lice, which is more actively updated and not guarenteed be backward capable.
Once a feature is finished and tested, and not considered harmful, I’ll copy the codes here and publish releases.
; print a string
(print "Hello " "World" "\n")
; travel through a range
(for-each i (.. 1 10) (print i "\n"))
; define a call-by-name function
(defexpr fold ls init op
(for-each index-var ls
(-> init (op init index-var))))
; invoke the function defined above
(fold (.. 1 4) 0 +)
; passing a call-by-value lambda to a call-by-value lambda
((lambda op (op 3 4)) (lambda a b (+ (* a a) (* b b))))
; to define a call-by-need lambda, use `lazy`.
To use Lice with build tools, first add jcenter to your repositories list.
With gradle, add this to your dependencies list:
compile 'org.lice:lice:3.3.2'
Or with maven:
Or with ivy:
<dependency org='org.lice' name='lice' rev='3.3.2'>
<artifact name='lice' ext='pom'></artifact>
Alternatively, you can download the nightly jar for the newest commit on AppVeyor.
import javax.script.*;
public class LiceScriptEngineTest {
public static void main() throws Exception {
ScriptEngine engine = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("lice");
engine.eval("(-> x 10)");
engine.eval("(print x)");
Code to run:
; loops
(def loop count block (|>
(-> i 0)
(while (< i count) (|> (block i)
(-> i (+ i 1))))))
; invoking the function
(loop 200000 (lambda i (|>
(defexpr let x y block (|>
(-> x y) ; this is actually an issue of lice.
(undef x)))
(let reimu 100 (lambda (|> x))))))
(print "loop count: " i)
Environment: Ubuntu Linux 16.04, HotSpot 1.8u151, Intel core i7 4720HQ 2.6 GHz
Condition | Time |
Lice call Java using extern |
350ms |
Lice call Java using Lice API | 295ms |
Pure Java | 13ms |
Pure Lice | 897ms |
Java call Lice using Lice API | 629ms |
Lice has handy APIs for interacting with Java.
; declare an extern function
; must be a static Java function
(extern "java.util.Objects" "equals")
; calling the extern function
(equals 1 1)
This project provides handy APIs for running Lice codes from Java.
class SomeClass {
public static void main(String[] args){
// Running Lice
System.out.println(Lice.run("(+ 1 1)")); // prints 2
System.out.println(Lice.run(new File("example.lice"))); // run codes in a file
// Lice API
SymbolList env = new SymbolList();
Lice.run("(def blablabla a (+ a a)) (-> myVar 233)", env);
env.extractLiceFunction("blablabla").invoke(233); // result: 466
int var = ((Number) env.extractLiceVariable("myVar")).intValue(); // result: 233