Dockerized Spring Boot application of Hystrix Turbine Dashboard for Spring Cloud API Gateway along with Eureka Cluster.
Dockerized Spring Boot application of Hystrix Turbine Dashboard for Spring Cloud API Gateway along with Eureka Cluster.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development purposes. See running for notes on how to run the project on a system.
Clone the project to your local environment:
git clone
You need Docker to be installed:
Once you have docker installed on your environment, install the project dependencies via:
Build docker Image:
docker-compose build
Start docker:
docker-compose up
Start docker with scaled up services:
docker-compose up --scale clientone=3 --scale clienttwo=3
Can scale up clientone and clienttwo services to max instances of 5.
If you want to scale even higher, then increase the port range in docker-compose
Your Spring Cloud API Gateway server should be now running on http://localhost:8000,
ClientOne server should be now running on http://localhost:8080-8085 and
ClientTwo server should be now running on http://localhost:8086-90 and
Eureka server cluster should be now running on http://localhost:9001, http://localhost:9002, http://localhost:9003,
Hystrix dashboard should be now running on http://localhost:9090/hystrix and then enter this url => http://localhost:9090/
to see hystrix metrics for Api-Gateway
fileUpdate the Spring boot version for hystrix-dashboard
To see other way to use hystrix
at service level. Check out the code in a folder : spring-turbine
To run this project, just use mvn clean install
and then mvn spring-boot:run
for each service in it.
If you have any improvement suggestions please create a pull request, and I’ll review it.
This project is licensed under the MIT License