项目作者: HeskeyBaozi

项目描述 :
Keep Calm, Light and Writing. Light Hexo Theme.
高级语言: TypeScript
项目地址: git://github.com/HeskeyBaozi/hexo-theme-lite.git
创建时间: 2017-12-07T07:08:26Z

开源协议:MIT License


Hexo Theme Lite

Keep Calm, Lite and Writing.

light single page blog application theme, using Vue, Vuex, ElementUI and so on.

一款轻量单页博客主题,基于Vue, VuexElementUI 构建

Live Demo

Demo | 在线演示



Get Started & Install

  1. Enter to the Hexo root directory. The root directory must include themes, node_modules, source and so on.

首先进入Hexo根目录,请确保这个目录下有themes, node_modules, source等文件。

  1. cd my-hexo
  2. ls
  3. # output:
  4. # _config.yml node_modules package.json public scaffolds source themes
  1. Download the latest release by using git clone

使用git clone命令下载最新的发布版本

  1. git clone https://github.com/HeskeyBaozi/hexo-theme-lite themes/lite

after git clone, the result is like this:


like this

  1. Edit the __config.yml in your root directory.

modify the field theme into lite.


  1. # Extensions
  2. theme: lite
  1. Generate static files

    1. hexo g
  2. Run Hexo server
    hexo s


INFO Hexo is running at http://localhost:4000/. Press Ctrl+C to stop.

  1. 6. Enter your localhost link to preview the blog.
  2. ## Features
  3. Edit the file [lite/__config.yml](https://github.com/HeskeyBaozi/hexo-theme-lite/blob/master/_config.yml) to customize your theme.
  4. 编辑文件[lite/__config.yml](https://github.com/HeskeyBaozi/hexo-theme-lite/blob/master/_config.yml)来自定义你的主题.
  5. ### Custom many things
  6. - avatar | 头像
  7. ```yml
  8. avatar:
  9. enable: true
  10. url: /static/images/kamuyi.jpg # mapping to '<blog root>/source/static/images/kamuyi.jpg'

As usual, / is mapped to your <blog root>/source, not the static folder in the theme.

  • theme filter blur | 主题模糊滤镜设置

you can set the gaussian radius here.



  1. blur:
  2. background_color: '#ffffff'
  3. # 'true' corresponding to css style 'overflow: hidden'
  4. # 设置为'true'则对应模糊容器'overflow'选项
  5. hide_overflow: true
  6. # Alpha Value of the background color
  7. # 背景颜色透明值, 启用会导致高斯模糊失效
  8. opacity:
  9. enable: false # switch to 'true' will make the gaussian blur lose efficacy
  10. opacity_value: 0.4
  11. gaussian_radius: # 高斯模糊程度,数值越大越模糊
  12. top_navigator: 50 # 40+ preferred
  13. header: 30 # 5 ~ 50 preferred
  14. footer: 40 # 5 ~ 100 preferred
  15. font:
  16. color: '#ffffff'

Notice that the font.color will only affect the font color in the blur area.


  • background picture | 背景图片
  1. background:
  2. background_color: '#ffffff'
  3. # Custom Background Picture
  4. enable_picture: true
  5. url: /static/images/miku.jpg
  6. css_size: cover
  7. css_position: 50%
  8. # Gradient color
  9. gradient_color:
  10. enable: false # switch to 'true' will make custom background picture lose efficacy
  11. css_value: 'linear-gradient(to right, rgb(74, 135, 193), rgb(179, 177, 251))'

Note that we can use the gradient color, it works by modify the css background-image, so it will make the custom background picture lose efficacy.




  1. background:
  2. gradient_color:
  3. enable: true
  4. css_value: 'linear-gradient(to right, rgb(74, 135, 193), rgb(179, 177, 251))' # options
  5. blur:
  6. opacity:
  7. enable: true # switch to 'true' will make the gaussian blur lose efficacy
  8. opacity_value: 0.4
  • Post Excerpt | 文章摘要

insert <!-- more --> in your raw markdown post. Example.
在你的文章markdown中插入<!-- more -->来进行手动截断. 例子.

  • top menu item | 顶部导航菜单项目设置
  1. menu:
  2. # Basic Menu
  3. Home: true
  4. Archives: true
  5. Categories: false
  6. Tags: false
  7. # Custom Menu
  8. # 'About' link to the 'About' page if there exists '/about/index.md' in your 'source' dir.
  9. # 这里是一个导航到'关于我'的页面,前提是你需要在你的'source'文件夹有'/about/index.md'文件
  10. About: /pages/about/index
  • theme layout | 主题布局设置
  1. theme_layout:
  2. dependent_footer: true

dependent_footer means that the main body is closely connected with the footer. Setting false will make the footer “full background, padded content”.

dependent_footer 表明主题的底部信息栏是连在一起的,如果设置为false,底部信息栏将会有”满幅的背景,定宽的内容”

  • social links | 社交链接
  1. social:
  2. github: https://github.com/heskeybaozi
  3. weibo: http://weibo.com/52hezhiyu
  4. # Email link
  5. email: mailto:hezhiyu233@foxmail.com
  6. social_icons:
  7. enable: true
  8. # icon name docs: http://fontawesome.io/icons/
  9. github: fa-github-alt
  10. weibo: fa-weibo
  11. email: fa-envelope
  12. wechat: fa-weixin
  13. qq: fa-qq
  • powered by
  1. powered_by:
  2. text: Hexo Theme Lite
  3. url: https://github.com/HeskeyBaozi/hexo-theme-lite/ # or false to disable link
  • favicon | 网站图标


you can use your own .ico file (32px * 32px preferred) to replace the original favicon.ico under the directory /themes/lite/source/static/.

你可以用你自己的图标文件,最好是32px * 32px大小,来替换目录/themes/lite/source/static/下的favicon.ico文件。


  • page 404 | 404 页面
  1. page_404:
  2. # enable to use custom 404 page
  3. enable: false
  4. # filename of .md file path in your source dir
  5. source_path: 404/index.md

Cool features

  • Comments | 评论系统

We use Gitment for the comments system.

What’s Gitment ?

Gitment is a comment system based on GitHub Issues, which can be used in the frontend without any server-side implementation.

Gitment 是一个使用Github Issues页面来存储评论的无‘服务端’评论系统

Click here to register an OAuth application, and you will get a client id and a client secret.
Make sure the callback URL is right. Generally it’s the origin of your site, like https://heskeybaozi.github.io/.

点击这里创建Github OAuth应用, 你就会得到client idclient secret。一定要确保回调url返回到你的主域名, 例如https://heskeybaozi.github.io/.


  1. # https://github.com/imsun/gitment#customize
  2. gitment:
  3. enable: false
  4. github_id: # your github id
  5. repository_name: # your repository name
  6. # client_id & secret will generated after register an OAuth App
  7. # reference: https://github.com/settings/applications/new
  8. client_id:
  9. client_secret:
  10. per_page: 8 # comments per page
  11. max_comment_height: 250 # default 250px
  • Google Analytics | 谷歌分析
  1. google_analytics:
  2. enable: false # remember to switch to 'true' when using google analytics
  3. # replace to your track_id. It starts with 'UA-'.
  4. # 这里替换为你的跟踪ID,记得打开`enable: true`
  5. track_id: UA-XXXXXX-X

Other issues | 其他问题

  • make sure you have installed hexo-pagination. 请确保你已经安装了hexo-pagination

    1. npm install --save hexo-pagination # or yarn add hexo-pagination
  • post’s code rendered in one line ? | 文章里的代码都显示在一行?

make sure you have turned the highlight plugin on your root __config.yml


  1. # example
  2. highlight:
  3. enable: true
  4. line_number: true
  5. auto_detect: true
  6. tab_replace:

How to upgrade this theme | 如何升级主题

  • recommended method | 推荐做法

run the commands in your root hexo dir.


  1. cd themes/lite
  2. git pull
  • other method | 其他暴力做法


  1. save your theme __config.yml file.

  2. delete /themes/lite dir

  3. enter your hexo root dir

  4. run command

  1. git clone https://github.com/HeskeyBaozi/hexo-theme-lite themes/lite
  1. replace theme configure file by using your saved __config.yml

Development Build Setup | 如何帮助我一起开发主题

Development Server | 开发者用来debug的服务器