Web Components for OpenLayers maps
While there are many great framework-specific OpenLayers wrappers, the goal of this
project is to wrap OpenLayers in W3C Web Components, which are a web standard
supported by all browsers currently and into the future.
This is a monorepo which contains:
)While extensive, human-friendly documentation is not yet available, be sure to check out the different features supported by the components live:
Storybook also include generated API documentation.
Simply execute
npm install
npm run start
And open http://localhost:6006
You may also start a watch process to update the generated custom elements manifest automatically:
npm -w storybook run custom-elements-manifest:watch
If the Chrome binary / driver is installed in your PATH, simply run:
npm run test
To run with a container-based Chrome driver, instead run:
docker compose -f contrib/docker/docker-compose.tests.yml \
run --rm test