A parallel shallow water equations solver
A parallel tsunami simulator.
Companion running example for Modern Fortran: Building Efficient Parallel Applications.
You can get the latest code by cloning the master branch:
git clone https://github.com/modern-fortran/tsunami
or by downloading it as a zip file.
cd tsunami
make -k
You can compile the tsunami versions in chapters 2, 3, and 4
with gfortran alone.
For the code in chapters 7, 8, 10, and 12, you’ll need the latest
stable build of OpenCoarrays, which will give you the caf
compiler wrapper.
Python scripts are provided to visualize tsunami output.
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install -U -r requirements.txt
From Chapter 7 and onward, your tsunami program will be parallel. You may notice
that running the program in parallel may be as fast as running it in serial, and
perhaps even slower. This is because by default, the grid size is small enough
for the program to complete in a short time on a single CPU. Specifically, in
integer(int32), parameter :: grid_size = 100 ! grid size in x
is a very small grid. Further dividing it to multiple CPU cores may not yield
enough computation load to compensate for the added communication load. Further,
near the end of the main time loop, we gather the data to the first image and
write it to screen in every time step:
! gather to image 1 and write current state to screen
gather(is:ie)[1] = h(ils:ile)
sync all
if (this_image() == 1) print fmt, n, gather
which significantly adds to the communication. Recall that we want to maximize
computation and minimize communication for best parallel scalability results.
To observe parallel speed-up with your tsunami program with increasing number
of CPUs, make the following changes to the code:
. You can go as high as you want given enough RAM.