HASh Table fortran container exploting coarraY
A KISS pure Fortran Library implementing a flexible hash table exploting coarrays for massively parralel support:
What is HASTY? | Main features | Copyrights | Download | Compilation | Documentation | References
To be written.
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To be completed.
Any feature request is welcome.
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HASTY is a Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), it is distributed under a very permissive multi-licensing system: selectable licenses are GPLv3, BSD2-Clause, BSD3-Clause and MIT, feel free to select the license that best matches your workflow.
Anyone is interest to use, to develop or to contribute to HASTY is welcome.
More details can be found on wiki.
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HASTY home is at https://github.com/szaghi/HASTY. To download all the source files you can:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/szaghi/HASTY
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HASTY is a modern Fortran project thus a modern Fortran compiler is need to compile the project.
The library is modular, namely it exploits Fortran modules. As a consequence, there is compilation-cascade hierarchy to build the library. To correctly build the library the following approaches are supported
The FoBiS building support is the most complete, as it is the one used for the developing HASTY.
A fobos
file is provided to build the library by means of the Fortran Building System FoBiS.
To be completed.
To be implemented.
To be implemented.
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Besides this README file the HASTY documentation is contained into its own wiki. Detailed documentation of the API is contained into the GitHub Pages that can also be created locally by means of ford tool.
To be completed.
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To be written.
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