项目作者: BlackBoxVision

项目描述 :
Next generation redux-autoform API
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/BlackBoxVision/autoform-next.git
创建时间: 2017-10-07T23:31:51Z



AutoForm next

AutoForm next is the newer redux-autoform API, it’s a fully rewrite of redux-autoform. We’ve fully remove the metadata processor. Our API is more declarative now!

Benefits of AutoForm-Next over Redux-AutoForm?

Because it’s a fully rewrite, we’re working on making everything better. We want redux-autoform to provide a better experience on mobile-devices, avoid innecesary re-renders that produce lags, provide more ui-libraries, etc.

The autoform-next project benefits are the following ones:

  • Works with both react v15/v16 (If you’ve switched to react v16, you’ll see a perf diff on mobile-devices)
  • Works on top of redux-form v6/v7 (This is a really good progress! Avoid re-render the form on every change!)
  • It has a newer way to use, we expose a declarative API, and also let you pass a json schema.
  • Provides i18n support through i18next and i18next-react.
  • It will provide a wider range of ui-libraries.
  • It will provide support for react-native!
  • Provides ErrorBoundary support! (Because you don’t have to break your app anymore!)
  • Smaller bundle sizes! (Because size matters!)

How to get started?

For now, the project is in development. The first release will be achieved when the package of bootstrap 4 components is finished and some APIs in the core have a well coverage!

Anyway, if you want to test it, the steps are the following ones:

  • Fork the repository and clone it.
  • Enable yarn workspaces by editing .yarnrc file.
  • Go to the project root and run yarn install.
  • Then access autoform-core and run yarn build.
  • Then access autoform-ui-bootstrap4 and run yarn build.
  • After that go to the project root and remove node_modules
  • Run a yarn install at the project root.
  • Enter inside of example-web folder and run a yarn start.

If everything goes okay, you should see the app running and showing you a responsive form!


If you’re testing the repository code and found any issue, please let me know!


This project will be distributed under MIT License.