Ads Click-Through-Rate Prediction
Predict ads click-through-rate on a user-ads category level. Check the presentation deck here.
Ad Display/Click Data on
This dataset is provided by Alimama and contains 1.14 million users behavior on platform.
Table | Description | Feature |
raw_sample | raw training samples | User ID, Ad ID, nonclk, clk, timestamp |
ad_feature | Ad’s basic information | Ad ID, campaign ID, Cate ID, Brand |
user_profile | user profile | User ID, age, gender, etc |
raw_behavior_log | User behavior log | User ID, btag, cate, brand, timestamp |
We used BigQuery to sample 5 million users from the dataset and merge all the tables.
Deep Interest Network
It introduces a local activation unit, with which the representation of user interests varies adaptively
given different candidate ads.