💸 SSR-capable async components & code splitting with Webpack 4+ and Babel 7+
npm i react-broker
A lightweight library for lazy components using React 16.8+. It’s perfect for
code splitting and has the simplest SSR story you’ve ever seen out-of-the-box.
Critically, this package is only intended to work with Webpack, specifically
Webpack 4 and future versions. There are no plans to implement a design
accommodating Parcel or other bundlers. There is also a hard requirement
for babel-plugin-macros
(which is shipped with CRA) if you opt to use the macro.
import {BrokerProvider} from 'react-broker'
import lazy from 'react-broker/macro'
// Automatically generates dynamic imports for webpack with babel-plugin-macros.
// Just give it the path.
const LazyPage = lazy('../pages/Page', {loading: props => 'Loading...'})
// ⬇ BECOMES ⬇ //
const LazyPage =
() => import(/* webpackChunkName: "src/pages/Page" */ '../pages/Page'),
{loading: props => 'Loading...'}
function App () {
// Look at me! I'm used like a normal component.
return (
<LazyPage id='1'></LazyPage>
)Hello world
Hello world w/ Router
The function that transforms your imports and delegates your async components.
import lazy from 'react-broker/macro'
lazy(component <String>, options <Object>)
component {String}
A path to a React component you want to lazy load. The component must be in the default
export of the file.
Paths cannot be passed via an identifier, it has to be a plain string. It is used just like a
regular component.
You may also lazy load external library components, but just know that the component in question must be thedefault
// Used like a regular component
const LazyPage = lazy('./pages/Home', {loading: props => 'Loading ${props.id}...'})
<LazyPage id={1}>
// ...
options {Object}
loading (props, context{retry, error})
is a function which will force a reload of the componenterror
is any error returned by Promise.reject
, this is only relevanterror
component isn’t also defined in optionserror (props, context{retry, error})
Manages code-splitting and the resolution of your async components by
keeping track of which chunk names have been loaded and also determining
which <scripts>
need to be included from the server-side. Broker.Provider
must be defined at the top-level of your lazy loaded components.
You only provide a chunkCache
on the server side. In the client it is not
allowed. The chunk cache is used for tracking which chunks were loaded during
the latest render phase of the app.Broker.createChunkCache
import * as Broker from 'react-broker'
const chunkCache = Broker.createChunkCache()
function App (props) {
return (
<Broker.Provider chunkCache={chunkCache}>
<LazyPage id={props.id}></LazyPage>
Creates a context for Broker.Provider
to track chunks in and provides
helper methods to provide access to those chunks.
Returns an array
of all the Webpack chunk names loaded into the current app.
Returns a Set
of all the Webpack chunks loaded into the current app.
createChunkCache.getChunkScripts(webpackStats, options)
Returns a string
representation of all the <script>
tags to include in the
output of your app when using with SSR.
, this will generate <link rel='preload'>
tags with your scripts.object
, the key/value pairs will be added to the <link rel='preload'>
{preload: {crossorigin: 'anonymous'}}
generates<link rel='preload' as='script' crossorigin='anonymous' href='...'>
, an async
flag will be added to your <script>
, a defer
flag will be added to your <script>
tags and async
This is the function created by react-broker/macro
To skip the macro you could do something like this with the Webpack code-splitting
import {lazy} from 'react-broker'
const Component = lazy(
() => import(/* webpackChunkName: "uniqueChunkName" */'./path/to/component'),
{loading: props => 'Loading...'}
Preloads the component.
const LazyPage = lazy('./pages/Home')
// ...
<Link onMouseEnter={LazyPage.load}>
Broker.load(...components <String>)
Preloads one or several Lazy
import * as Broker from 'react-broker'
import lazy from 'react-broker/macro'
const LazyA = lazy('./A')
const LazyB = lazy('./B')
Broker.load(LazyA, LazyB).then(/*...*/)
App: React.Element,
renderer: ReactDOM.renderToStaticMarkup|renderToString
Tracks all of the chunks used in your app during the server side render and
optionally renders your app to a string
Broker.loadInitial(chunkCache: Broker.createChunkCache)
Populates your chunk cache with the async components present in your application.
This requires that Broker.getChunkScripts
was used on the server side. The primary
use case for this function is elimination loading components and flashes when
initially rendering your app in the browser.
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import * as Broker from 'react-broker'
import App from '../App'
const app = (
() => ReactDOM.hydrate(app, document.getElementById('⚛️'))
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server'
import express from 'express'
import * as Broker from 'react-broker'
import App from '../App'
export default function createRenderer({
// These are the Webpack compilation stats returned by Webpack post-run.
// https://webpack.js.org/api/stats/
}) {
app = express()
app.get('*', /* Note 'async' here */ async (req, res, next) => {
res.set('Content-Type', 'text/html')
// keeps track of lazy chunks used by the current page
const chunkCache = Broker.createChunkCache()
// chunkCache is passed to Broker.Provider as a prop
const app = (
<Broker.Provider chunkCache={chunkCache}>
// Preloads the async components and renders the app to a string
const page = await Broker.loadAll(app, ReactDOMServer.renderToString)
// You could also do this if you have other requirements in addition to preloading with
// react-broker
// await Broker.loadAll(app, ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup)
// const page = await ReactDOMServer.renderToString(app)
// Generates <script> and <preload> tags for this page
const chunks = chunkCache.getChunkScripts(clientStats, {preload: true})
<div id='⚛️'>
return app