项目作者: sylistine

项目描述 :
A DirectX 12 Rendering Engine
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/sylistine/EnDjinn.git
创建时间: 2019-05-23T03:38:58Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


EnDjinn - A DirectX 12 Rendering Engine

Originally a research project, EnDjinn is a 3d renderer built in the style of a video game engine with no concern for legacy graphics APIs.


PRs are welcome to add and extend the features of this engine. However, a goal of this project is to achieve understanding. Consequently, this repository will not take on other third party dependencies, licensed or non (except, perhaps, in a strictly temporary way).
Of course, since we leverage API’s like DX12 and Vulkan, and must run upon platforms like Windows, this restriction doesn’t include platform or hardware APIs and drivers.


Throw-based Error Handling - Prefer throw and catch to error codes. The Djn::Exception class builds a stack trace when it is constructed to make this error handling more useful.

Smart pointers (almost) always - Simplify your code and make the application clean itself up when things go awry. This is also critical because we use throw. If unique_ptr or some other smart pointer doesn’t do what you need, I encourage you to create your own RAII-based NOTHROW smart pointer.

Non-Graphics Engine Features

  • “Robust” Logging
  • Custom exception handling w/ stack traces
    Sample exception logging with stack trace.
    EnDjinn v3.3

Enumerating Graphics Hardware Results…
Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080

  • Output: \.\DISPLAY1
    Adapter: Microsoft Basic Render Driver

Djinn Exception caught ————————————————

Sample exception

Stack Trace:
d:\aaron\dev\src\01solutions\endjinn\djinn\ debug.h:86 Djn::Exception::GetStackTrace
d:\aaron\dev\src\01solutions\endjinn\djinn\ debug.h:48 Djn::Exception::Exception
d:\aaron\dev\src\01solutions\endjinn\djinn\ gfx.cpp:108 Djn::Gfx::Gfx
d:\aaron\dev\src\01solutions\endjinn\djinn\ gfx.h:30 Djn::Gfx::Instance
d:\aaron\dev\src\01solutions\endjinn\djinn\ app.cpp:43 Djn::App::App
d:\aaron\dev\src\01solutions\endjinn\djinn\ djinn.cpp:22 WinMain
d:\agent_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\ exe_common.inl:107 invoke_main
d:\agent_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\ exe_common.inl:288 scrt_common_main_seh
d:\agent_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\ exe_common.inl:331
d:\agent_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\ exe_winmain.cpp:17 WinMainCRTStartup

Closing Djinn.

  • A template-based c#-style event and action system

Development Schedule

High Priority

  • Quaternion Logic, and a complete Transform class.
  • Complete a full, simple render pipeline.
    • Scene-based VBO generation and camera constant buffer definition
    • Simple vertex and fragment shading.


  • Create model and texture importers
  • Implement Vulkan


  • VR Support
  • Mobile support


  • Audio
  • Physics