three.js addon, to produce almost infinite many time-varying geometries / buffer geometries with functions (cylindrical coordinates)
three.js addon, to produce almost infinite many time-varying Geometries and BufferGeometries with functions
License identical to three.js
@author hofk /
Produce almost infinite many time-varying Geometries( up to three.js r124 ) or BufferGeometries with only 15 properties, 19 functions and 2 arrays:
( geometry = new THREE.Geometry(); // old base class geometry object, only up to revision 124! )
// use better:
geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); // base class buffer-geometry object from THREE.js
geometry.createMorphGeometry = THREEf.createMorphGeometry; // insert the methode from THREEf.js
// for non-indexed BufferGeometry set parameter indexed: false,
geometry.createMorphGeometry(); // apply the methode ( here without parameters: all default )
mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, materials ); // create a material array: materials
scene.add( mesh );
mesh.add( geometry.quadLine ); // only if used propertie quadLine: add the quad line
_87 now contains
function vertexFaceNumbersHelper (mesh, mode, size, color)
// mode: 0 nothing, 1 vertex, 2 face, 3 vertex & face
and uses .flatShading: true or false; // three.js r87
_88 now contains
explode, // function ( t ) // factor for exploded view (only non indexed BufferGeometry)
_89 now contains
fixedMatTop, // fixed given material index (string of digits for faces), overrides materialTop values
fixedMatBottom, // fixed given material index (string of digits for faces), overrides materialBottom values
_90 now contains
explodemode, // 'center','normal'
From revision 95 modifyGeo.html no longer needs a workaround of three.js
Multimaterial raycast is now supported in the core of three.js. (r94 still has a bug)
As of three.js revision 125, the old geometry is no longer available.
geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
geometry.createMorphGeometry = THREEf.createMorphGeometry;
indexed: false, // default is true
height: 80,
heightSegments: 80,
rCircHeight: function ( u, v, t ) { return 1.01 + Math.cos( 25.2 * v ) * Math.sin( 0.2 * t ) },
centerX: function ( v, t ) { return 0.75*Math.sin( 9 * v + 0.2 * t)},
centerZ: function ( v, t ) { return 0.45*Math.cos( 9 * v + 0.2 * t)},
materialCover: function ( u, v, t) { return Math.floor( t ) % 20 < 5 ? 0 : 0.8 }
}); // Material: min. 9 materials in multi material array! index: 0.8 * 10 = 8
View the live version of formLibrary.html:
Parameters briefly explained in THREEf.js:
/* parameter overview --- all parameters are optional ---
p = {
// simple properties
indexed, // indexed or non indexed BufferGeometry
radius, // reference radius, multiplier for functions
height, // reference height, multiplier for functions
radiusSegments, // radius segments (number)
heightSegments, // height segments (number)
circOpen, // circular connected or disconnected
withTop, // with a top
fixedMatTop, // fixed given material index (string of digits for faces), overrides materialTop values
withBottom, // with a bottom
fixedMatBottom, // fixed given material index (string of digits for faces), overrides materialBottom values
waffled, // four faces / segment, with center vertex
quadLine, // separate quad line, only aviable when circular open
quadColor, // color of quad line
style, // 'complete', 'cover', 'map'
explodemode, // 'center','normal'
// functions: u,v and result normally 0 .. 1, otherwise specific / interesting results!
// ( trigonometric functions often with factor n * PI )
// u radial, v heigt, t time
rCircHeight, // function ( u, v, t ) // radius depending on segment location
centerX, // function ( v, t ) // centerpoint x by height
centerY, // function ( v, t ) // centerpoint y by height
centerZ, // function ( v, t ) // centerpoint z by height
unrollCover, // function ( v, t ) // 0 closed, 1 linear open (to -1*radius)
waffleDeep, // function ( u, v, t ) // radius difference center vertex
moveX, // function ( u, v, t ) // factor for radius, move in x direction
moveY, // function ( u, v, t ) // factor for height, move in y direction
moveZ, // function ( v, u, t ) // factor for radius, move in z direction
explode, // function ( t ) // factor for exploded view (only non indexed BufferGeometry)
endCircAngle, // function ( v, t ) // circular end angle (per height)
startCircAngle, // function ( v, t ) // circular starting angle (per height)
scaleCircAngle, // function ( u, t ) // scaling between start and end of circular angle
topHeight, // function ( u, t ) // top height (per circular angle)
bottomHeight, // function ( u, t ) // bottom height (per circular angle)
scaleHeight, // function ( v, t ) // scaling between bottom and top height
materialTop, // function ( u, t ) // material top ( per circular sector)
materialBottom, // function ( u, t ) // material bottom ( per circular sector)
materialCover, // function ( u, v, t ) // material cover ( per circular sector and height )
// material: round( result*10 ) is material index 0 .. 10
// string array (strings of digits) seperated with a ,
fixedMaterial, // fixed given material index, overrides materialCover
// array of center points replaces heightSegments, scaleHeight and the center functions centerX, centerY, centerZ
centerPoints // array of arrays of coordinates [ [ x0, y0, z0 ], .. [ xi , yi, zi ] ], values normally 0 .. 1
// When using multi material:
// Take index 0 for invisible faces like THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { visible: false } ),
// or use transparent faces like THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {transparent: true, opacity: 0.05 } )
// Please note! The functions normally should have results from 0 to 1. If the multimaterial array
// contains fewer materials than the functional result * 10, the script will crash.
// Even if the result is negative.
// String array fixedMaterial contains strings of digits 0 to 9, for instance [ .. '0011997741', '222200' .. ].
// Every string represents a corresponding row of faces from left-top from cover.
// It's not necessary, that the length of array / strings equals the number of faces, e.g. only ['1'] is sufficient.