encodes text from .txt files into .wav files using encrypted morse
silly script I wrote that can take inputted text, or a .txt file
and then it uses the morse alphabet to encode this data into a .wav file.
I’ve also written scripts that ask you for a keyword, and then use a
keyword cypher to ecrypt your messages before encoding them into morse
It’s essentially a super geeky way to send secret messages.
You have the option to set the “dit” speed (in ms) -
this allows you to make human translatable morse messages
or non-human translatable morse messages (dits too fast to understand)!
The fastest dit speed you can set is 2ms per dit! This means that if you listen to the
.wav file, it sounds like static.
This limit is due to the ability of my program to accurately decode the message,
but if you can modify my code and get the dit speed smaller - message me!
All morse messages (in .wav file form) can be decoded with decodeMorse.py.
All keyword encrypted morse messages can be decoded with decodeMorseEnc.py.