CMAK (prev. Kafka Manager) for Kubernetes
CMAK (prev. Kafka Manager)
is a tool for monitoring and managing Apache Kafka clusters.
CMAK operator is a Helm chart combining set of utilities,
that allows to install and configure CMAK in K8s cluster.
CMAK operator comprises following components:
chart is published into OCI compatible registry
and requires Helm version >= 3.8.
It’s recommended to install CMAK operator into a dedicated namespace.
To install specific VERSION
use following command.
helm upgrade -i --wait --create-namespace -n cmak cmak-operator \
oci:// --version <VERSION>
To install the latest version - omit --version
flag from previous command.
By default, CMAK operator doesn’t create neither Ingress
nor any other K8s resources to expose UI via HTTP.
The simpliest test is to port forward CMAK UI HTTP port and access it from browser.
kubectl port-forward -n cmak service/cmak 9000
Then, open http://localhost:9000 in a browser.
Configuration should be passed to helm via command line during installation or upgrade.
helm upgrade -i --wait --create-namespace -n cmak cmak-operator \
oci:// --version <VERSION> \
-f cmak-values.yaml
CMAK uses configuration file
Every parameter could be overriden via JVM system property, i.e. -DmyProp=myVal
Properties are passed to CMAK container via values.yaml
For example, to enable basic auth, add following to values.yaml
- "-DbasicAuthentication.enabled=true"
- "-DbasicAuthentication.username=admin"
- "-DbasicAuthentication.password=password"
It’s extremely easy to configure multiple clusters in CMAK,
starting from cluster setup, connection settings and ending with authorization,
using Helm values files.
Check CMAK operator values
for all available options and their description.
Minimal values.yaml configuration for adding a several Kafka clusters to CMAK.
- name: "cluster-stage"
zkConnect: "kafka01.stage:2181,kafka02.stage:2181"
- name: "cluster-prod"
zkConnect: ",,"
Connection settings could be configured for all clusters at once or per selected cluster.
zkMaxRetry: 100 # <1>
- name: "cluster-stage"
kafkaVersion: "2.4.0" # <2>
zkConnect: "kafka01.stage:2181,kafka02.stage:2181"
- name: "cluster-prod"
kafkaVersion: "2.1.0" # <3>
enabled: false
zkConnect: ",,"
.AKHQ project seems to be the most active open source tool
for managing and monitoring Kafka clusters.
It could be missing some functionality from CMAK,
but their developers are open for feature requests and contributions.
Your contributions like feature suggesstions, bug reports and pull requests are always welcomed.
Please check CONTRIBUTING guide for details.