项目作者: mateothegreat

项目描述 :
LetsEncrypt Certificate Management with cert-manager
高级语言: Makefile
项目地址: git://github.com/mateothegreat/k8-byexamples-cert-manager.git

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Wildcard Certificates

Waiting on pull request https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/pull/309 which adds wildcard support to cert-manager.

LetsEncrypt Certificate Management with cert-manager Edit

k8 by example — straight to the point, simple execution.

Certificate management as easy as a spec. Goes well with https://github.com/mateothegreat/k8-byexamples-ingress-controller.

Getting started

Clone this repo and initialize submodules:

  1. git clone https://github.com/mateothegreat/k8-byexamples-cert-manager && cd $_
  2. git submodule update --init


Run make install and you’re ready to start creating certificate requests.
See the templates directory for certificate examples.

  1. $ make help
  2. __ __
  3. __ ______ ____ ___ ____ _/ /____ ____ ____/ /
  4. / / / / __ \/ __ __ \/ __ / __/ _ \/ __ \/ __ /
  5. / /_/ / /_/ / / / / / / /_/ / /_/ __/ /_/ / /_/ /
  6. \__, /\____/_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/\__/\___/\____/\__,_/
  7. /____
  8. yomateo.io, it ain't easy.
  9. Usage: make <target(s)>
  10. Targets:
  11. certificate-issue Creates a new Certificate request (make certificate-issue NS=somenamespace HOST=foo.bar.com)
  12. certificate-delete Deletes Certificate request (make certificate-issue NS=somenamespace HOST=foo.bar.com)
  13. dump/submodules Output list of submodules & repositories
  14. install Installs manifests to kubernetes using kubectl apply (make manifests to see what will be installed)
  15. delete Deletes manifests to kubernetes using kubectl delete (make manifests to see what will be installed)
  16. get Retrieves manifests to kubernetes using kubectl get (make manifests to see what will be installed)
  17. get/all Retrives all resources (in color!)
  18. describe Describes manifests to kubernetes using kubectl describe (make manifests to see what will be installed)
  19. context Globally set the current-context (default namespace)
  20. shell Grab a shell in a running container
  21. dump/logs Find first pod and follow log output
  22. dump/manifests Output manifests detected (used with make install, delete, get, describe, etc)
  23. Tools:
  24. get/myip Get your external ip
  25. testing-curl Try to curl http & https from $(HOST)
  26. testing/curlhttp Try to curl http://$(HOST)
  27. testing/curlhttps Try to curl https://$(HOST)
  28. testing/getip Retrieve external IP from api.ipify.org
  29. git/update Update submodule(s) to HEAD from origin
  30. git/up Update all .make submodules
  31. rbac/grant-google Create clusterrolebinding for cluster-admin

Creating new Certificates

Create a Certificate resource (see templates directory) via make cert NS=somenamespace HOST=foo.bar.com.
You can use make logs to follow the log output from the cert-manager pod and follow the action.


$ make certificate-issue NS=testing HOST=staticip.gcp.streaming-platform.com

certificate “staticip.gcp.streaming-platform.com” created

I0206 12:17:28.294092 1 controller.go:187] certificates controller: syncing item ‘testing/staticip.gcp.streaming-platform.com’
I0206 12:17:28.294270 1 sync.go:107] Error checking existing TLS certificate: secret “tls-staticip.gcp.streaming-platform.com” not found
I0206 12:17:28.294342 1 sync.go:238] Preparing certificate with issuer
I0206 12:17:28.294844 1 prepare.go:239] Compare “” with “https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/reg/28937938