Insecam Crawler
Insecrawl is a crawler for Its purpose is to download still frames from cameras listed on said website.
The script can scrape an image from a single camera, all cameras in a certain country, or just simply every camera found on the site.
The script is automated, so the user can just issue a command, go make a sandwich, and come back to a folder full of stills from interesting cameras.
Downloaded images will be saved in ./images by default.
Camera IDs are those listed on
i.e. the ID of is 241666
I am in no way affiliated with insecam. I just wanted to have an easier way of browsing cameras on the site.
You can use the program as you like, but the typical flow is as follows:
0. Install dependencies
$ pip3 install opencv-python opencv-contrib-python-headless beautifulsoup4 iso3166
1. Print a list of all countries that have cameras
$ python3 -l
2. Pick a country code from the list, and scrape its cameras
Here we use Finland as an example.
$ python3 -t -S -c FI
Option | Explanation |
-t | Add a timestamp to the image filename. Prevents overwriting previous scrapes. |
-S | Automatically determine the filepath using the country code. e.g. FI will be saved in ./images/Finland |
-c FI | Scrape cameras from FI |
3. Browse ./images/Finland to examine the scraped images
$ browse ./images/Finland
Scrape images from every camera listed on insecam, and save them in ./images/{COUNTRY_NAME}
This can take a couple of hours to finish.
$ python3 --scrapeAllCameras --sortByCountry
You can also combine terminal commands to your liking.
Scrape camera ID 241666 every 900 seconds.
Save images into ./images/214666_timelapse and use timestamps in filenames. Great way to create frames for timelapse videos.
$ watch -n 900 "python3 -o 241666 -f 241666_timelapse -t"
-h, --help Print this help page
-c, --country Designate a country, and scrape stills from all cameras in
that country. Provide a two letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
-l, --listCountries Prints all countries, country codes and camera amounts listed on
-d, --details Prints details for a given camera ID.
-f, --folder Assign a custom download path under ./images folder.
-i, --identifier Provide a custom identifier for the camera, used as
filename for the saved image. Works only with -u and -o flags.
-o, --oneCamera Provide a single insecam camera ID to download a still frame from.
-n, --newCamsOnly Scrape only the cameras that do not have a still saved on disk.
--scrapeAllCameras Downloads a still from every camera listed on insecam. This can
take hours to complete. Best used together with --sortByCountry
-S, --sortByCountry Images will be saved in ./images/{COUNTRY_NAME}
--sortByCamera A new folder will be created for each camera.
--interval Used for running the script at set intervals. Provide an amount
of seconds you wish to wait between each run. Works only in
conjuction with -c or --country. The interval starts to run after
the last camera is scraped, so don't expect exact results with
this. Can be exited only with CTRL+C.
-t, --timeStamp Append timestamp to image filename. Useful if you don't
want to overwrite previously saved images. Timestamp
format is [YYYY-MM-DD]_[HH-MM-SS], using computer's
local time and a 24h clock.
-u, --url Provide a direct URL to a video stream to download a still frame
from. Useful if the camera is no longer on insecam, but still
has a publicly accessible web interface. Must be used in conjuction
with -i or --identifier.
-v, --verbose Debug level logging