项目作者: ncpleslie
项目描述 :
Phaser JS 3 Platform Game
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/ncpleslie/PlatformGame.git
About the game
- You play as “The Wizard”. A protector of Christchurch, NZ, during the Earthquakes.
- You must battle your way through the world of liquefaction and avoid the nasty underworld zombies
- Collect the coins for extra points and more lives
- Phaser 3 - An open source HTML5 game framework that offers WebGL and Canvas rendering across desktop and mobile web browsers.
- Code Sandbox - The online code editor for Web
| Iteration | Play the game |
| ——— | ——— |
| Iteration 1 | https://codepen.io/ncpleslie/project/editor/DKrmbe |
| Iteration 2 | https://codesandbox.io/s/q8l58q4v8q |
| Iteration 3 | https://codesandbox.io/s/o92v3xy5r9 |
| Iteration 4 | https://codesandbox.io/s/6486xq6q43 |
| Iteration 5 | https://codesandbox.io/s/o9wvznpjny |
| Iteration 6 | https://codesandbox.io/s/ooyzxr5mxq |
Iteration 1:
- Recreate the Eloquent JS game in Phaser 3
Iteration 2:
- Code refactoring/decomposition
- Now things are broken up. Monster in monster class. Player is player class, etc
- Added preloading screen
- New player sprite
Iteration 3:
- Created first level
- Added background
- Parallax background
- Event triggers (Text Popups) when hitting objects
- Plan for the direction of the game
- The wizard goes around rebuilding the city after the earthquake
- Added storyline() and earthquake() functions
Iteration 4:
- Added Main menu
- Added Pause function/scene
- Touch Controls added
- Responsive design (Should work on all device sizes)
- Refactored storyLine() (Fewer IF statements)
Iteration 5:
- Level 2 added
- Monsters (New sprite)
- Collectables (New Sprite)
- Lives (With ability to gain more)
- Gameover Menu
Iteration 6:
- Major Code Refactor
- Fix hit boxes
- Sound added
- Scaling issues fixed