Financial portfolio optimisation in python, including classical efficient frontier, Black-Litterman, Hierarchical Risk Parity
PyPortfolioOpt is a library that implements portfolio optimization methods, including
classical mean-variance optimization techniques and Black-Litterman allocation, as well as more
recent developments in the field like shrinkage and Hierarchical Risk Parity.
It is extensive yet easily extensible, and can be useful for either a casual investors, or a professional looking for an easy prototyping tool. Whether you are a fundamentals-oriented investor who has identified a
handful of undervalued picks, or an algorithmic trader who has a basket of
strategies, PyPortfolioOpt can help you combine your alpha sources
in a risk-efficient way.
PyPortfolioOpt has been published in the Journal of Open Source Software 🎉
PyPortfolioOpt is now being maintained by Tuan Tran.
Head over to the documentation on ReadTheDocs to get an in-depth look at the project, or check out the cookbook to see some examples showing the full process from downloading data to building a portfolio.
If you would like to play with PyPortfolioOpt interactively in your browser, you may launch Binder here. It takes a
while to set up, but it lets you try out the cookbook recipes without having to deal with all of the requirements.
Note: macOS users will need to install Command Line Tools.
Note: if you are on windows, you first need to installl C++. (download, install instructions)
This project is available on PyPI, meaning that you can just:
pip install PyPortfolioOpt
(you may need to follow separate installation instructions for cvxopt and cvxpy).
However, it is best practice to use a dependency manager within a virtual environment.
My current recommendation is to get yourself set up with poetry then just run
poetry add PyPortfolioOpt
Otherwise, clone/download the project and in the project directory run:
python install
PyPortfolioOpt supports Docker. Build your first container with docker build -f docker/Dockerfile . -t pypfopt
. You can use the image to run tests or even launch a Jupyter server.
# iPython interpreter:
docker run -it pypfopt poetry run ipython
# Jupyter notebook server:
docker run -it -p 8888:8888 pypfopt poetry run jupyter notebook --allow-root --no-browser --ip
# click on
# Pytest
docker run -t pypfopt poetry run pytest
# Bash
docker run -it pypfopt bash
For more information, please read this guide.
If you would like to make major changes to integrate this with your proprietary system, it probably makes sense to clone this repository and to just use the source code.
git clone
Alternatively, you could try:
pip install -e git+
Here is an example on real life stock data, demonstrating how easy it is to find the long-only portfolio that maximises the Sharpe ratio (a measure of risk-adjusted returns).
import pandas as pd
from pypfopt import EfficientFrontier
from pypfopt import risk_models
from pypfopt import expected_returns
# Read in price data
df = pd.read_csv("tests/resources/stock_prices.csv", parse_dates=True, index_col="date")
# Calculate expected returns and sample covariance
mu = expected_returns.mean_historical_return(df)
S = risk_models.sample_cov(df)
# Optimize for maximal Sharpe ratio
ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S)
raw_weights = ef.max_sharpe()
cleaned_weights = ef.clean_weights()
ef.save_weights_to_file("weights.csv") # saves to file
This outputs the following weights:
{'GOOG': 0.03835,
'AAPL': 0.0689,
'FB': 0.20603,
'BABA': 0.07315,
'AMZN': 0.04033,
'GE': 0.0,
'AMD': 0.0,
'WMT': 0.0,
'BAC': 0.0,
'GM': 0.0,
'T': 0.0,
'UAA': 0.0,
'SHLD': 0.0,
'XOM': 0.0,
'RRC': 0.0,
'BBY': 0.01324,
'MA': 0.35349,
'PFE': 0.1957,
'JPM': 0.0,
'SBUX': 0.01082}
Expected annual return: 30.5%
Annual volatility: 22.2%
Sharpe Ratio: 1.28
This is interesting but not useful in itself. However, PyPortfolioOpt provides a method which allows you to convert the above continuous weights to an actual allocation that you could buy. Just enter the most recent prices, and the desired portfolio size ($10,000 in this example):
from pypfopt.discrete_allocation import DiscreteAllocation, get_latest_prices
latest_prices = get_latest_prices(df)
da = DiscreteAllocation(weights, latest_prices, total_portfolio_value=10000)
allocation, leftover = da.greedy_portfolio()
print("Discrete allocation:", allocation)
print("Funds remaining: ${:.2f}".format(leftover))
12 out of 20 tickers were removed
Discrete allocation: {'GOOG': 1, 'AAPL': 4, 'FB': 12, 'BABA': 4, 'BBY': 2,
'MA': 20, 'PFE': 54, 'SBUX': 1}
Funds remaining: $11.89
Disclaimer: nothing about this project constitues investment advice, and the author bears no responsibiltiy for your subsequent investment decisions. Please refer to the license for more information.
Harry Markowitz’s 1952 paper is the undeniable classic, which turned portfolio optimization from an art into a science. The key insight is that by combining assets with different expected returns and volatilities, one can decide on a mathematically optimal allocation which minimises the risk for a target return – the set of all such optimal portfolios is referred to as the efficient frontier.
Although much development has been made in the subject, more than half a century later, Markowitz’s core ideas are still fundamentally important and see daily use in many portfolio management firms.
The main drawback of mean-variance optimization is that the theoretical treatment requires knowledge of the expected returns and the future risk-characteristics (covariance) of the assets. Obviously, if we knew the expected returns of a stock life would be much easier, but the whole game is that stock returns are notoriously hard to forecast. As a substitute, we can derive estimates of the expected return and covariance based on historical data – though we do lose the theoretical guarantees provided by Markowitz, the closer our estimates are to the real values, the better our portfolio will be.
Thus this project provides four major sets of functionality (though of course they are intimately related)
A key design goal of PyPortfolioOpt is modularity – the user should be able to swap in their
components while still making use of the framework that PyPortfolioOpt provides.
In this section, we detail some of PyPortfolioOpt’s available functionality. More examples are offered in the Jupyter notebooks here. Another good resource is the tests.
A far more comprehensive version of this can be found on ReadTheDocs, as well as possible extensions for more advanced users.
The covariance matrix encodes not just the volatility of an asset, but also how it correlated to other assets. This is important because in order to reap the benefits of diversification (and thus increase return per unit risk), the assets in the portfolio should be as uncorrelated as possible.
, single_factor
, and constant_correlation
(This plot was generated using plotting.plot_covariance
ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S, weight_bounds=(-1, 1))
and efficient_return
methods, PyPortfolioOpt provides an option to form a market-neutral portfolio (i.e weights sum to zero). This is not possible for the max Sharpe portfolio and the min volatility portfolio because in those cases because they are not invariant with respect to leverage. Market neutrality requires negative weights:
ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S, weight_bounds=(-1, 1))
ef.efficient_return(target_return=0.2, market_neutral=True)
ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S, weight_bounds=(0, 0.1))
One issue with mean-variance optimization is that it leads to many zero-weights. While these are
“optimal” in-sample, there is a large body of research showing that this characteristic leads
mean-variance portfolios to underperform out-of-sample. To that end, I have introduced an
objective function that can reduce the number of negligible weights for any of the objective functions. Essentially, it adds a penalty (parameterised by gamma
) on small weights, with a term that looks just like L2 regularisation in machine learning. It may be necessary to try several gamma
values to achieve the desired number of non-negligible weights. For the test portfolio of 20 securities, gamma ~ 1
is sufficient
ef = EfficientFrontier(mu, S)
ef.add_objective(objective_functions.L2_reg, gamma=1)
As of v0.5.0, we now support Black-Litterman asset allocation, which allows you to combine
a prior estimate of returns (e.g the market-implied returns) with your own views to form a
posterior estimate. This results in much better estimates of expected returns than just using
the mean historical return. Check out the docs for a discussion of the theory, as well as advice
on formatting inputs.
S = risk_models.sample_cov(df)
viewdict = {"AAPL": 0.20, "BBY": -0.30, "BAC": 0, "SBUX": -0.2, "T": 0.131321}
bl = BlackLittermanModel(S, pi="equal", absolute_views=viewdict, omega="default")
rets = bl.bl_returns()
ef = EfficientFrontier(rets, S)
The features above mostly pertain to solving mean-variance optimization problems via quadratic programming (though this is taken care of by cvxpy
). However, we offer different optimizers as well:
Please refer to the documentation for more.
Tests are written in pytest (much more intuitive than unittest
and the variants in my opinion), and I have tried to ensure close to 100% coverage. Run the tests by navigating to the package directory and simply running pytest
on the command line.
PyPortfolioOpt provides a test dataset of daily returns for 20 tickers:
['GOOG', 'AAPL', 'FB', 'BABA', 'AMZN', 'GE', 'AMD', 'WMT', 'BAC', 'GM',
'T', 'UAA', 'SHLD', 'XOM', 'RRC', 'BBY', 'MA', 'PFE', 'JPM', 'SBUX']
These tickers have been informally selected to meet several criteria:
Currently, the tests have not explored all of the edge cases and combinations
of objective functions and parameters. However, each method and parameter has
been tested to work as intended.
If you use PyPortfolioOpt for published work, please cite the JOSS paper.
Citation string:
Martin, R. A., (2021). PyPortfolioOpt: portfolio optimization in Python. Journal of Open Source Software, 6(61), 3066,
doi = {10.21105/joss.03066},
url = {},
year = {2021},
publisher = {The Open Journal},
volume = {6},
number = {61},
pages = {3066},
author = {Robert Andrew Martin},
title = {PyPortfolioOpt: portfolio optimization in Python},
journal = {Journal of Open Source Software}
Contributions are most welcome. Have a look at the Contribution Guide for more.
I’d like to thank all of the people who have contributed to PyPortfolioOpt since its release in 2018.
Special shout-outs to: