Experimental DOM implementation for MS Winforms WebView2
Experimental DOM implementation for Microsoft.Webview2.Winforms
An implementation for a WebView2 DOM, that can be accessed from .Net
You should be aware that Microsoft can use WebView2 to gather data from the end user, exactly what data they gather and what they do with it is currently unknown.
It implements Window, Document, Element, Attribute, Style and Node.
Also implements QuerySelector/QuerySelectorAll and Evaluate/EvaluateAll (XPath) on WebView2
You can perform most operations on the DOM, e.g:
Document.GetElementById("elem_id").InsertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", "<div>Content</div>")
Dim x = Document.Evaluate("//input[@id='form_input']")
Because script cannot be executed during a synchronous event, two events are raised, one Sync, and one Async.
The Sync event is raised first. It can prevent default handling in javascript and the Async event in WVBrowser.
To make the decision to cancel, an array of script to evaluate, is passed into AddEventHandler, and the results passed to the Sync event.
Private WithEvents Body As WVHTMLElement
Private Sub Web_DOMDocumentComplete(sender As Object) Handles Web.DOMDocumentComplete
'Add click event handler, pass script to return: e.target.tagName, e.x, e.y to Sync event
Body = Web.document.body
Body.AddEventHandler("click", "e.target.tagName", "e.x", "e.y")
End Sub
'Can't execute script or use DOM in Sync event
Private Sub Body_DOMEventSync(Type As String, ByRef e As WVEventHost.SyncEventArgs) Handles Body.DOMEventSync
'Prevent default if BODY
e.PreventDefault = e.Values(0) = "BODY"
'Prevent Async if not BODY
e.PreventAsync = e.Values(0) <> "BODY"
End Sub
'Can execute script and call DOM in Async event
Private Sub Body_DOMEventAsync(Type As String, e As WVEvent) Handles Body.DOMEventAsync
If Type = "click" Then
Dim h = Body.InnerHTML
End If
End Sub
Private WithEvents Div as WVElement
Private Sub Web_DOMDocumentComplete(sender As Object) Handles Web.DOMDocumentComplete
Div = Web.Document.GetElementById("myElement")
'Add click event handler
End Sub
Private Sub Div_DOMEventAsync(Type As String, e As WVEvent) Handles Div.DOMEventAsync
'Process event
End Sub
Note: WebView2.Protocol.GetCookies({"https://google.co.uk"})
needs to supply full url
Private Sub WebView2_CoreWebView2Ready(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles WebView2.CoreWebView2Ready
With WebView2.Protocol
.EnableDomainEvents("Page", True)
.EnableDomainEvents("Log", True)
AddHandler .EventReceived, AddressOf Protocol_EventRaised
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Protocol_EventRaised(Name As String, Json As String)
End Sub
Added sample project with tabbed browser
Added download notifications using DevTools Protocol
Added ability to use CorewebView2Environment that doesn’t require Async
Dim Env = CoreWebView2Environment.CreateAsync("", "My Folder", MyOptions).Await
Default DOM events have changed and now need to be added using AddEventHandler as described above
Added support for accessing iFrames, including FrameLoaded and FrameCompleted events
Added specific WVIFrameElement class for iFrames
Any function that returns a WVElement, will now return a WVIFrameElement, when the element is an iFrame
Added more specific types for TABLE, FORM and elements that have special functionality
WVTable, WVTableSection, WVTableRow, WVTableCell | WVForm, WVinput | WVAnchor
Added DeferReflow() and ApplyReflow() to defer page reflow when updating:
Dim Table = Web.Document.Evaluate("//table")
'Defer reflow
For Each Row in Table.TBodies(0).Rows
For Each Cel in Row.Cells
Cel.Style("borderLeft") = $"4px solid {Choose(1 + Rnd() * 5, "red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "orange")}"
'Apply update
Started adding support for Selection and Range
Removed internal Autofill implementation pending WebView2 API.
Updated DOM structure to more closely follow JS DOM.
WVDOMBase renamed WVElement, WVElement renamed WVHTMLElement
TabStrip renamed WVTabstrip, NavStrip renamed WVNavstrip
The version of WVBrowser will now reflect the version of WebView2, it works with.
Changed names of properties and methods to match JS camelCase.
Finished adding Selection and Range support.
Removed event support on WVBrowser, it is now only available for WVElement and WVHTMLElement.
To add events you need to add a WVElement or WVHTMLElement reference and use that, e.g.
Private WithEvents Body As WVElement
Private Sub WvBrowser1_DOMDocumentComplete(sender As Object) Handles WvBrowser1.DOMDocumentComplete
Body = WvBrowser1.Document.body
End Sub
Private Sub Body_DOMEventAsync(Type As String, e As WVEvent) Handles Body.DOMEventAsync
If Type = "mouseover" Then
ElemLabel.Text = WvBrowser1.document.elementFromPoint(New Point(e.pageX, e.pageY)).tagName
End If
End Sub
There is now an Await extension for all Tasks, so you can call Async methods Synchronously, without needing to use Async and Await, e.g
No major changes, just released against WebView2 1.0865.0
Added: functionality to WVWindow
Fixed: Issues with Boolean properties
Fixed: Issue with missing DLL in previous version
Added: JSHelper extensions to WVBrowser