项目作者: d3ta-go

项目描述 :
System Module/Package
高级语言: Go
项目地址: git://github.com/d3ta-go/system.git
创建时间: 2020-11-03T13:00:59Z

开源协议:MIT License


system ( Go Report Card )

System Module/Package (Common System Libararies)

As a part of Simple Implementation of Modular DDD Technical Architecture Patterns in Go.

Diagram v 0.2.2-Modular

DDD-Technical-Architecture-Patterns-Golang-0.2.2-Common System Libraries


A. System

  1. Config
  2. Identity & Access Management (JWT, Casbin - RBAC)
  3. Initilizer
  4. Adapters (Indexer, Cacher, GORM)
  5. Handler
  6. Service (SMTP, Casbin Enforcer, etc)
  7. Utils
  8. Error
  9. etc

B. Interface

  1. Common middleware, response, feature for Echo (labstack) Framework.

1. Database (GORM)

  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • MS SQL Server
  • SQLite

2. Indexer

  • Elastic Search

3. Cache

  • GOCamaron Cache (Redis, Memcache, MySQL, PostgreSQL, memory, file, ledis, nodb)
  • Redis

4. Identity & Access Management

  • Identity: JWT & Custom Claims
  • Client Device Identity
  • RBAC (Role Based Access Control) - Casbin


1. Clone

  1. $ git clone https://github.com/d3ta-go/system.git

2. Setup

  1. a. copy `conf/config-sample.yaml` to `conf/config.yaml`
  2. b. copy `conf/data/test-data-sample.yaml` to `conf/data/test-data.yaml`
  3. c. setup your dependencies/requirements (e.g: database, smtp, etc.)

3. Runing TDD on Development Stage

Go to specific package and then run go test [options]