项目作者: naa986

项目描述 :
A free NextGEN Gallery extension for selling images or photos in WordPress. E-commerce WordPress plugin for photographers to sell pictures online.
高级语言: PHP
项目地址: git://github.com/naa986/nextgen-gallery-sell-photo.git
创建时间: 2017-09-05T10:12:08Z



NextGEN Gallery Sell Photo Plugin for WordPress


NextGEN Gallery Sell Photo is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create a Buy button for each NextGEN Gallery photo that a user can click to purchase. It was developed by noorsplugin and is currently being used on hundreds of websites.

  • Sell photos online for free
  • Sell photo prints
  • Sell stock photos
  • Allow users to buy images from your website
  • Accept payments via PayPal
  • Quick one-click checkout for your e-commerce photo gallery
  • Flexible in selling photographs
  • Responsive design for the photo gallery
  • Create a photo store using NextGEN Gallery and add purchase functionality to it

Once you have installed this plugin you need to go to the settings menu to configure some options (Settings > NG Sell Photo).

  • PayPal Email: Your PayPal email address
  • Currency Code: The default currency code
  • Price Amount: The default price of each gallery photo
  • Button Text/Image: The text/image for the Buy button
  • Return URL: The URL where a user will be redirected to after the payment

Now, insert your NextGEN gallery shortcode into a post/page like the following:

  1. [nggallery id="1" template="ngsellphoto"]


For documentation please visit the NextGEN Gallery Sell Photo Plugin page.