Angular 4 Photo gallery app. DEMO:
“Greeeeen Gallery!” is a simple photo gallery app, created in Angular 4. It displays a set of images, where clicking on every image, a full size image with caption
is opened. There is an option to filter images by category, in a moving sidebar. Also, using navigation link “Search”, it is possible to search images by keyword
(their caption), and images are displayed as user types in.
The app is responsive.
Main features why I created this app:
The app is hosted on GH pages:
Assuming you have node, npm and git installed:
In Git Bash:
Navigate to your photo-gallery folder in CMD
Start application by typing npm start
Open http://localhost:4200/ in your browser.
If neccessary install bootstrap:
npm install bootstrap —save
import the css in .angular-cli.json:
"styles": [
Alter data source from this set of predefined images, to get data from a remote server.
Suggestion - get and show images, categories, captions, or even more data, using Flickr API
This is an app, intended for practicing Angular4. If under (1.) is done, consider making
better looking design.